#meta 2022-07-23

2022-07-23 UTC
IndieWeb as a Service (IaaS) Idea: PESOS from all the Silos with Feeds using Micropub | Chris Aldrich https://boffosocko.com/2021/12/15/indieweb-as-a-service-iaas-idea-pesos-from-all-the-silos-with-feeds-using-micropub/ #IndieWeb
petermolnar, jacky and angelo joined the channel
Is someone with #indieweb knowledge volunteering for a weekend project to power up http://blog.opensource.org using #WordPress?
[Jacob_Hall], petermolnar and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ If you want to IndieWeb but keep your design flexibility I have found the best option to be: -Install an IndieWeb Theme -Stay on Classic Editor -Use a Page Builder like Elementor other option, retooling your theme. In ~10 years I have yet to see more themes. Not really option
nertzy, angelo and AramZS joined the channel
nertzy joined the channel
↩️ Se attorno al 12/13 settembre esce una serata indieweb doppio malto, io ci sono per berla.
FYI zoom hosts, I turned on TOTP 2fa on the account and added that to 1password, so you shouldn't get stuck with email code challenges anymore
[jeremyfelt] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Have things you keep meaning to do to your website but never finding the time? Come get work done with other people at #IndieWeb Create Day next Sunday 7/31. I'm planning to spend the day making a new website! https://events.indieweb.org/2022/07/indieweb-create-day-kfU1aMgrO7aG
jacky, jjuran, alex_ and alex11 joined the channel
↩️ Molto interessato al meetup indieweb!