#meta 2022-08-29

2022-08-29 UTC
[snarfed], jacky, nertzy, gRegor and mro joined the channel
edited /2022/Berlin (+846) "/* Sponsors */"
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[tantek] I sent my RSVP to the events page.
edited /2022/Berlin (+2) "/* Lunch sponsor */"
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[marksuth] joined the channel
Oh, this will be great! Heading to Berlin tomorrow … Looking forward to meeting lots of friends, having a first in-person meeting w/ our new client @vzbv, then the fabulous @btconf on Thursday and Friday and an @indiewebcamp on the weekend. See you there?
mro, nertzy and sebbu joined the channel
So I think I may need to add some filtering to webmention-handler. realised that it's currently possible for duplicate likes from the same user at the moment... Will add it to the issue tracker when I get home... #opensource #webdev #webmentions #indieweb
AramZS and [Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
Nice list: “Cool Things People Do With Their Blogs” in various ways (content, design, indieWeb, RSS). https://brainbaking.com/post/2022/04/cool-things-people-do-with-their-blogs/
jacky, mro, Guest6, gRegor, AramZS and tbbrown joined the channel