#meta 2022-10-16

2022-10-16 UTC
[snarfed] gRegor they are fundamentally different (one is a strict subset of the other) in the very important distinction that permashortlinks convey a commitment to work just as well as permalinks, including author owned, whereas "shortlinks" are a much broader concept that predates "permashortlinks" and usually implies a 3rd party shortlinking service like bitly or one of the many ones which has gone defunct like trim or others.
tl;dr: shortlinks in general are 3rd party, fragile, and discouraged. the small subset of shortlinks that are permashortlinks are 1st party, expected to be (nearly) as reliable as permalinks, and encouraged for a variety of use-cases
edited /shortlink (+411) "add distinction to dfn, Silo Examples Bitly, trim is another defunct 3rd party service"
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edited /shortlink (+204) "/* Silo Examples */ see others link to WP"
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edited /link_shortener (+197) "Silo Examples see Wikipedia"
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edited /shortlink (+303) "service examples vs silo examples"
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nertzy, j6, [jeremycherfas], [tantek], barnaby and cali-iwc joined the channel
Hm, not sure I really get the distinction. Any domain, short or not, may live longer if you've registered it vs using a service.
"shortlink" in common usage (e.g. on Twitter) typically *assumes* a 3rd party service. that's the difference.
youtu.be & flic.kr are notable exception
now short link vs link shortener may need some refinement
gRegorLove_ and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
I'd heard the horror stories of Matrix moderation from the get go, and I always suspected this day would come. It was good while it lasted, but alas. Matrix folks would do well to learn from the decades of collective IRC moderation experience (e.g. allowing IP bans). https://twitter.com/AsahiLinux/status/1581103659013722112
gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__, jdub, j6, mro, [fluffy] and [Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
barnaby, gRegorLove_, jacky, pmlnr, Seirdy, gRegorLove__, mro, [KevinMarks] and [hollie] joined the channel