#meta 2022-11-13

2022-11-13 UTC
^ ok there we go. Feel free to review /toot folks
if /tweet can have its own page, then so can /toot
ok slack gateway going down for maintenance
edited /toot (+34) "grammar, note in Masto UX"
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IWSlackGateway and apk_test joined the channel
IWSlackGateway joined the channel
oh boy
apk_test, IWSlackGateway, [tantek] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
[Ovi_Demetrian_], IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
IWSlackGateway and [aaronpk] joined the channel
IWSlackGateway and [aaronpk] joined the channel
IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel
oh dear, apparently there have been duplicate gateway configs on slack for a couple years
apparently in march 2020 I redid the config as an "app", I don't remember why
but all the webhook versions are still there too, dutifully posting data to the gateway, that it promptly ignores
[aaronpk] and [jacky] joined the channel
oh right because the webhook thing is legacy
they just haven't turned it off yet
IWSlackGateway, [tantek] and [aaronpk] joined the channel
well that project was about 20 minutes of writing code, 40 minutes of testing it, and 2 hours of messing with installing the right version of node and updating dependencies
Saphire++ for writing the actual functional bits
Saphire has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (14 in all channels)
should be back to normal now
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
↩️ Looks like that worked. I'm at @sdenaro@indieweb.social
jjuran, [jacky], [tw2113_Slack_] and [snarfed] joined the channel
Just came back to tell you my handle on mastodon: @annett@indieweb.social
Good morning, are you in Mastond already? Share your handle! https://indieweb.social/@alessandro
gRegor joined the channel
yo i could of told you about twitters collapse before it happened, they call me mastadamus https://indieweb.social/@thomasreggi
↩️ I think in the long run, we'll preserve usages, features that are worth it and replicate them elsewhere, outside of the grip of Tech monopolies. In many ways Elon mess is a gift to the open web and reclaiming our digital infrastructure into our own hands. #fediverse #indieweb
↩️ I'm looking for funding links for http://indieweb.social and http://pixelfed.social but they certainly aren't prominent.
Mastodon and other decentralized services are popular now, but I feel like a lot of the #IndieWeb is still geared towards people with technical knowledge. How can we lower that barrier and build better social media? ✏️ I wrote a thing: https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone
[tonz] joined the channel
I was, quite frankly, shocked and surprised to see the admin of http://indieweb.social post a comment of endorsement on the post by the account of the guy hawking fedified. Did he forget we have rel="me" links? Did he suddenly forget tha… https://social.lol/@jeannie/109336228898317484
"It’s like everyone has spent the last few years in a giant all-inclusive resort. Now we’re moving into nice little bed-and-breakfast places, but we’re complaining because it takes slightly more effort to book a room, and the free WIFI isn’t as fast." https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/
[pfefferle] joined the channel
If you want to keep in touch: http://joshuapsteele.com, http://social.joshuapsteele.com (http://micro.blog), @joshuapsteele@indieweb.social (mastodon), or DM me if you want my email. Cheers!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Good Morning #Twitter. As we continue to leave the slow moving dumpster fire of this space, please follow me on @hipcinema@indieweb.social. It’s a well moderated space on #Mastodon. Cheers! @justmarla724 @SArthurSchaffer @melibeatrizsn @mariaajudice @tanzinavega #indiefilm
FYI for folks looking to verify their #WordPress website on #mastodon, you don't strictly need an anchor tag (<a href...>), a link in the head works too. A simple way to do this is with the IndieWeb plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/indieweb/ Just add your mastodon… https://mastodon.social/@cr0ybot/109336771609756088
Look, the only way to guarantee you own your data and have control over it is by having your own website and domain name. I can help you with this; I'm good at it. (See https://indieweb.org/ for more info.)
janboddez joined the channel
↩️ We're having exactly this discussion here, would love your specific thoughts to this question on how it could be better, which really is the one you brought up: https://indieweb.social/@tchambers/109336644091019911
sehr interessant: aral #balkan, #indieweb-aktivist, erklärt, was die #twitter-skalierungsdimension bei größeren accounts im #fediverse, hier #mastodon, bedeutet.
mro joined the channel
maxbock++ for this IndieNews-worthy article: https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/
maxbock has 1 karma over the last year
mro joined the channel
↩️ welcome! Mastodon could do with some more people who are good at Twitter, if you do decide to use it. https://fedifinder.glitch.me is great for finding your Twitter follows on it. (i’m @simon360@indieweb.social, if you’re so inclined)
"...we expect a system that’s easy to set up, handles millions of users at once and makes every interaction frictionless. We expect it to know what we want, and give it to us instantly. Anything too weird or tech-y and you start to lose people." #twitter https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/
I'm on Mastodon now! https://indieweb.social/@juanlam It's much friendlier and very cool and decentralized and I like it a lot. Join me!
Joined Mastodon Social: https://mindly.social/web/@SunhouseCLG Business: https://indieweb.social/@clgolden Really like the distributed, federated concept. No ads or algorithms. It was easy to join the servers I picked.
mro joined the channel
These cross platform chats get more and more confusing ... I could not figure out how to mention someone from Discord when using IRC, so I switched to Discord. But then could not figure out how to mention a Slack user. I think I got the Slack username right, but when I check Slack the tbc username was not a mention... I do not even. https://chat.indieweb.org/2022-11-13/1668360472917900
[IWDiscordRelay] <m​artijnvdven#0666> radio_minnesota[d] as a note: this chat is primarily for indieweb.org, not specifically the indieweb.social Mastodon server. Although [tbc], who is the admin for indieweb.social is connected to this chat too 😊
it's all plain text under the hood, so the slack gateway will look up the text `[ username ]` and find the slack user ID to properly mention them in slack
[manton] joined the channel
Mmm, then maybe I got the wrong username. I was pretty sure it was tbc, as Slack made it @tbc when I tried writing there.
oh it could be that the gateway only knows about users it's seen recently...
would be a good feature request for the gateway if that's the case
Also fun how the Discord bridge talks about me as both Zegnat[d] (when mentioned by radio minnesota) and as m​artijnvdven#0666 (when I type on Discord). Is that expected, petermolnar?
how much value is there for the discord bridge?
well, then: aaronpk capjamesg I'd like to pass the discord bridge on; please let me know if it's possible.
ok i can run it on an indiewebcamp server
i think i already have the permissions for the discord. i have no idea how to set it up tho so a link to instructions would be appreciated
Can we turn off the ability to get boosted? It was nice of radio minnesota to do that, but the way Indieweb has chat I sorta feel bad about people putting money towards the Discord server. As it really only exists as a convenience bridge.
i have no idea, but i can check later
<r​adio minnesota#8264> I thought I was supporting the Mastdon instance by proxy
gRegor and foobar1 joined the channel
ok, so I haven't put my GPG setup back since my last reinstall (which was a WHILE ago), and I can't immediately see why it's not working, so how should I send the config over?
Zegnat, [timothy_chambe] is the admin of indieweb.social. How does that show up to you as a mention e.g. in the logs?
created /unmentioned (+29) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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created /ignored (+29) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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edited /2011/undiscussed (+54) "dfn, linky"
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[tantek]: as `timothy_chambe` in square brackets. I might have even tried to mention the wrong Tim? When I wrote @tim in my Slack client it autocompleted to @tbc who is also Tim Chambers?!
maybe he has two accounts?
aaronpk: sent it over Discord from the IWC account I created for this
I can hand over the account as well
Here's my Mastodon handle for any migrators out there: @Pentamerous@indieweb.social
petermolnar, IWDiscordRelay, mouse[d], gRegor and mro joined the channel
“The more independence a technology gives you, the higher its barrier for adoption.” https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/
mro joined the channel
mro, gRegor and AramZS joined the channel
↩️ I don't like #Mastodon, because i must commit to a kind of "Bubble", e.g.: - http://hostux.social Beer and free software lovers. - http://pettingzoo.co A chill server run by some queer leaning gay dudes - http://indieweb.social A server focused on the open and indie web..
Some weeks ago I promised to post frequent tabswipes of my browser. But after Elon decided to nuke the #birdsite, I decided to move on to Mastodon on http://indieweb.social. Find my recent #web3 findings over there: https://indieweb.social/web/@stadolf/109338373444182193 #TwitterMigration
↩️ but we’re complaining because it takes slightly more effort to book a room, and the free WIFI isn’t as fast.” https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/ by mxbck https://social.coop/@bmann/109337506073378122 (2/2)
↩️ do you engage voters if you're boring or invisible? This is a paradox of democracy. #abpoli #ableg https://indieweb.social/@alfredo/109338433582335370 (2/2)
↩️ Yeah but you know - followers. TBF, Stephen Fry jumped ship despite having over 12 million followers on Tw@tter. This is an interesting piece on the barriers to using a decentralised system: https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/
↩️ I was rebooted by the creator of the "instance" I joined in Mastodon. New initiation, worth the redundancy? By the way, I'm at: @anafabbri@indieweb.social
Me rebooteó el creador de la "instancia" a la que me uní en Mastodon. ¿Nueva iniciación, valga la redundancia? A propósito, estoy en: @anafabbri@indieweb.social
↩️ I was boosted by the creator of the "instance" I joined in Mastodon. New initiation, worth the redundancy? By the way, I'm at: @anafabbri@indieweb.social
Me "retooteó" o "boosteó" el creador de la "instancia" a la que me uní en Mastodon. ¿Nueva iniciación, valga la redundancia? A propósito, estoy en: @anafabbri@indieweb.social
[schmarty] joined the channel
aaronpk++ hugops++
hugops has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
aaronpk has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (105 in all channels)
is indiewebify.me a /SPOA?
AramZS joined the channel
It's on the server on the dedicated IndieWebCamp account so it's theoretically supposed to be accessible to others
👍 is there a list of people who have access to that somewhere?
what is linode
Linode is a company that provides virtual private servers and DNS hosting https://indieweb.org/Linode