[tantek]this gets me thinking, what do we think of a "Featured Article" (meaning page on the wiki) that we display more prominently near the top of the newsletter?
[tantek](for those not on Slack, that Wikipedia home page link displayed a link-preview of Wikipedia favicon, "Wikipedia", "Main Page (308 kB)", and then a giant image of Adele)
loqi.meedited /indie_map (+95) "[tantek] added "Suggestion for next version: also map Mastodon, Disapora, and Fidonet nodes" to "See Also"" (view diff)
[tantek]aaronpk, both meta & dev, sorta more #indieweb-meta so replying here. re: "Should we restart meetings at the W3C social CG to try to actually improve the standard and interop?" — Evan reached out to me about what should we do with the current resurgence of indieweb/activitypub interest, while I was away. I replied with some ideas but yes there are some possibilities there.
[tantek]I think a good first step would be to encourage work on test suites for the social web related specs that currently lack them, e.g. both activitypub and indieauth.
[tantek]next I think we need a protocol like webactions to handle cross-site interactions that Mastodon folks call "remote follow", without being Mastodong or ActivityPub specific