#meta 2022-11-19

2022-11-19 UTC
that feels appropriate
I track bike rides with Google maps, but don't blog them as they almost always start and end at my house
i publish the duration and distance of the ride but hide the actual map if it starts or ends at my house or my office
^ that's an excellent detail to capture in either /bicycle or /travel aaronpk
well this week we got the fun new page /toot
I'll write-up /@-@ for next week (unless someone else wants to start it)
this gets me thinking, what do we think of a "Featured Article" (meaning page on the wiki) that we display more prominently near the top of the newsletter?
it could be a new page or a highly edited recent page
would it be manually selected? or somehow automated?
maybe semi-automated?
e.g. Wikipedia has a daily "featured article" on their home page with a heading "From today's featured article"
^ [KevinMarks] did you mean that for #indieweb?
aaronpk, on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page looks like they are grabbing the image and first two paragraphs of an article to summarize as the "featured article"
Not sure how exportable those maps are
[KevinMarks] -> that's definitely #indieweb not #indieweb-meta 🙂
lol and apparently the Wikipedia featured article image becomes the featured photo for the entire Wikipedia home page
(for those not on Slack, that Wikipedia home page link displayed a link-preview of Wikipedia favicon, "Wikipedia", "Main Page (308 kB)", and then a giant image of Adele)
aaronpk I found where we were brainstorming ideas like this
adding now
edited /site-homepage (+883) "/* New live modules */ Featured Article inspired by Wikipedia"
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aaronpk, captured the newsletter Featured Article idea/brainstorm here: https://indieweb.org/site-homepage#New_live_modules
apparently we have some overlap between potential new home page modules and new newsletter modules
edited /indie_map (+95) "[tantek] added "Suggestion for next version: also map Mastodon, Disapora, and Fidonet nodes" to "See Also""
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edited /backfill (+205) "/* Twitter */ linked tweetdeck like extraction snippet"
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IWSlackGateway, [KevinMarks], [aciccarello], [timothy_chambe], gRegor, [tw2113_Slack_], tbbrown, jjuran, [jeremycherfas], mro, barnaby, jamietanna, claudia1 and Dhalucario joined the channel
edited /Taproot (+673) "/* Itches and Roadmap */ updated current status"
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[aaronpk], mro and [pfefferle] joined the channel
mro joined the channel
edited /User:Www.wskearney.com (+15) "Add link to sparkline template"
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[iambismark] joined the channel
created /Template:wskearney (+156) "Add sparkline template"
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mro and [jamietanna] joined the channel
Joomla << Astrid Günther article on 2022-11-12 about IndieWebifying a Joomla site: https://blog.astrid-guenther.de/en/cassiopeia-joomla-indieweb/
edited /Joomla (+167) "[chrisaldrich] added "Astrid Günther article on 2022-11-12 about IndieWebifying a Joomla site: https://blog.astrid-guenther.de/en/cassiopeia-joomla-indieweb/" to "See Also""
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ok, I added "Astrid Günther article on 2022-11-12 about IndieWebifying a Joomla site: https://blog.astrid-guenther.de/en/cassiopeia-joomla-indieweb/" to a new "See Also" section of /Joomla https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=84495&oldid=10537
mro, gRegor and [manton] joined the channel
edited /creator (+90) "finish blockquote"
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edited /creator (+167) "incorporate SA into Inspiration sectoin"
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aaronpk, both meta & dev, sorta more #indieweb-meta so replying here. re: "Should we restart meetings at the W3C social CG to try to actually improve the standard and interop?" — Evan reached out to me about what should we do with the current resurgence of indieweb/activitypub interest, while I was away. I replied with some ideas but yes there are some possibilities there.
I think a good first step would be to encourage work on test suites for the social web related specs that currently lack them, e.g. both activitypub and indieauth.
next I think we need a protocol like webactions to handle cross-site interactions that Mastodon folks call "remote follow", without being Mastodong or ActivityPub specific
Mastodon* (sheesh)
oh dear xD
typo aside, agreed re standards/interop progress. good to hear that you and Evan are in contact about it