#meta 2022-12-20
2022-12-20 UTC
# created /content_recommendation (+34) "prompted by capjamesg and redirect added by capjamesg" ( view diff)
# uploaded /Special:Log/upload "uploaded "[[File:novacast example.png]]" https://indieweb.org/File:novacast_example.png"
sp1ff``, [iambismark], jjuran, mro, tiim, gRegor, [pfefferle] and rupl joined the channel
mro joined the channel
mro joined the channel
barnaby and gRegor joined the channel
[Michelle_Moore] joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
# created /link_relationships (+16) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]" ( view diff)
# edited /2022-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+262) "📃 for external docs improvements, abbrs" ( view diff)
# edited /follow_your_nose (+1656) "Added advantage, disadvantages section with separate fetch issue and potential mitigation" ( view diff)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# edited /follow_your_nose (+154) "incorporate additional SA advantages into main section, move TOC down" ( view diff)
# edited /follow_your_nose (+522) "/* potential mitigation */ added negative result handling brainstorming" ( view diff)
# edited /follow_your_nose (+32) "/* potential mitigation */ added condition to prevent endless loops" ( view diff)
tiim and [jamietanna] joined the channel
# uploaded /File:billion-dollar-typewriter.png "close up of the type arms in a typewriter with the superimposed text "Who needs a billion dollar typewriter? Type it for your website. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:billion-dollar-typewriter.png"
# uploaded /File:bright-idea.png "a bare, but somehow lit lightbulb on a wooden table superimposed with "The bright idea corporate social media missed. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:bright-idea.png"
# uploaded /File:build-your-home.png "View over the shoulder of a female architect working on blueprints superimposed with the text "Build the internet home you've always wanted. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:build-your-home.png"
# uploaded /File:control-you-dont-find.png "Hundreds of knobs on a control board superimposed with text "Control you don't typically find in social media. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:control-you-dont-find.png"
# uploaded /File:create-in-your-own-space.png "View of a desk with a typewriter, notebook, glasses, a book, a decorative pinecone, a slide box with superimposed text "All the tools you need to create your own space. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:create-in-your-own-space.png"
# uploaded /File:do-your-own-thing.png "black and white image of floating umbrellas with a single yellow umbrella in the center superimposed with the words "Do your own thing. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:do-your-own-thing.png"
# uploaded /File:fit-into-the-network.png "a person with a rainbow umbrella stands in the midst of a structured tunnel looking out at blue sky and trees superimposed with the text "Figure out how you want to fit into the network. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:fit-into-the-network.png"
# uploaded /File:apple-not-all-social-is-the-same.png "black and white photo of apples with the one in the middle being red. Overlaid texts reads "Not all social media is the same. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:apple-not-all-social-is-the-same.png"
# uploaded /File:go-to-eleven.png "a black audio soundboard with various controls superimposed with the text "All our amps go to eleven. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:go-to-eleven.png"
# uploaded /File:happy-newww-year.png "dreamy view of grass and a forest through which the sun is rising superimposed with the text "Happy Newww.Year! indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:happy-newww-year.png"
# uploaded /File:haze-of-2020.png "Background image of a forest and mountains covered in haze superimposed with the words "Once the haze of 2020 lifts, consider a healthier way to manage your online identity and social media. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:haze-of-2020.png"
# uploaded /File:IndieWeb-definition-card.png "sun shining down on a person in front of a vibrant forest superimposed with the text "The IndieWeb is a people-focused alternative to the 'corporate web'. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:IndieWeb-definition-card.png"
# uploaded /File:knit-your-own.png "two hands knitting a green swatch superimposed with the words "Knit your own web identity. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:knit-your-own.png"
# uploaded /File:IndieWeb-Sheep.png "a sheep's head looks condescendingly down at the viewer superimposed with the text "Why are you posting your content to social media instead of your own website? indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:IndieWeb-Sheep.png"
# uploaded /File:reap-what-you-sow.png "view of a sunny green vineyard in a valley superimposed with the words "Reap what you sow. Plant your content into the field of your own website. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:reap-what-you-sow.png"
# uploaded /File:rotting-silos.png "a dilapidated barn and grain silo with the superimposed text "Don't let your content rot in the dilapidated corporate social media silos. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:rotting-silos.png"
# uploaded /File:slow-social.png "fresh tomatoes, spaghetti, and basil on a wooden table superimposed with the text "Slow Social: Try eating what you cook on your own website. Rely less on the unhealthy fast food of corporate social media. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:slow-social.png"
# uploaded /File:the-home-youve-always-wanted.png "blueprints superimposed with the text "The home you've always wanted on the internet. indeiweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:the-home-youve-always-wanted.png"
# uploaded /File:the-web-is-your-canvas.png "tubes of acrylic paint and a paint brush superimposed with the text "The web is your canvas. Don't let a corporation limit you. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:the-web-is-your-canvas.png"
# uploaded /File:which-brush.png "jar of thin paint spotted paintbrushes superimposed with the text "The web is your canvas. Which brush will you choose? indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:which-brush.png"
# uploaded /File:your-words.png "an orange Riviera typewriter angled on a black leather couch superimposed with the text "Your words. Your way. indieweb.org" https://indieweb.org/File:your-words.png"
nedzadhrnjica joined the channel