gRegorI made some updates on that just recently, using "yourname" placeholder. The "How to edit a sparkline" actually had the URL of that page itself, which is why some people have (understandably) accidentally updated that instead of their own sparkline template
[TMichelleMoore]@tantek and [aciccarello] Success! I was wondering why I couldn’t just type brackets and my name! I thought Sparklines were some annotation tool or metrics app when I read that page a while back. Boy I was overthinking that. Lol
[tantek]aciccarello, re: "easier to get to the notes of past events from the event page" yeah there's a currently a feature gap between the "manual despite it hurts" table for navigating among notes date-organized archives (each of which also embed that table), vs the events.indieweb permalinks which currently don't have any links to archive navigation of the same "kind" of event.
[tantek]If you have ideas for how the events.indieweb permalinks could automatically generate and display date-organized archives of the same/similar events like the table in /HWC#Meetings, please file a feature request on the Meetable GH repo
gRegorUpdated so the blank template section links you to the next section to continue setting it up, and links to your own user page to try setting it up, and link to meta chat for questions. [TMichelleMoore] how does that page look now based on your experience setting it up?
gRegor[TMichelleMoore], In the "Blank Template" section I updated the instructions with a link so you continue on to the next "how to" section. And in that How To section I made some updates, like a direct link to your user page for set up. Before it was "on any wiki page..."
[TMichelleMoore]@gregor Yes! It is clearer! I mentioned it above, it was the definitions of what a sparkline could be that were definitely throwing me off. So that addition makes it clearer. I think that the before you start and instructions to add a sparkline might be beneficial on any page that is on the topic of how to get started on the IndieWeb website.
aaronpkthe tricky thing is often the bookmark posts are bookmarks of things that don't have mf2 themselves, so indienews pulls from the mf2 of the bookmark post rather than the canonical post. could probably use some better logic to only use the bookmark post as fallback
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