#[tantek]we've tried putting docs in the Template and in chat-names about not putting TLDs in sparkline templates, any other tips for how we can better communicate this?
#gRegorIs Greg in chat? Would be interested to see which pages they followed to set up their profile page and then the sparkline. Maybe they copied someone else's sparkline that used a TLD and started there instead of /Template:sparkline
#[tantek]sparkline should direct people to edit chat-names first, then presumably we could contact folks that way
#gRegorYeah, it does with an "Important" note at the top
#gRegorBut I suspect people might not be finding that first
#gRegor"IMPORTANT: Before you create a sparkline template, please: *
#[tantek]we use "selfdogfood" as a label / adjective sometimes that is not easily replaced by "eat what you cook"
#[tantek]we might need another form for this, e.g. to attach to a project, to indicate that the project author is actively using their own project for their indieweb presence
#[tantek]gRegor, that's probably worth mentioning as manual work, unless it is actually something automated server side (which is also worth mentioning)
#gRegorMy site isn't involved, so didn't mention it. I use the desktop application Picard to fingerprint files, standardize filenames and metadata
#[tantek]that should be enough to bump a few things off the most edited
#gRegorIt's unfortunate mowens site is offline, he had a bunch of cool indieweb things years ago
#[tantek]yeah he did, a lot of cool things. like I get that "life happens" (which I believe is what happened in his case), however it's unfortunate that it wasn't setup to just "walk away" and have it "keep working" at least as of that moment in time
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-01-27.html
#[tantek]^ pushed off the more negative articles from most edited. my work is done for this newsletter
#[tantek]idea for social media parody movie / short (or at least fake "trailer"): "140 Characters Later": a story of how the "Argument Machine" slowly turned perfectly reasonable and nice folks on Twitter into raging maniacs yelling at each other, in the style of "28 Days Later"
#[tw2113_Slack_]i feel like some of that is a case of the general public finally got into it and thats when something went to proverbial hell. Some people prefer the early adaptor phases of things and want things to potentially stay at that level, though they never do
#[0x3b0b]See: Fediverse search. I worry about people.
#[tantek]that's also true, however the weird argumentativeness started long before the "general public" finally got into it
#[tantek]2008 was a tipping point in that regard, in a bad way that is. having been there, witnessed it, and even getting caught up in a bit before having to step back, re-evaluate in 2009, and then by mid/late 2009 deciding I needed to get out