#meta 2023-02-11

2023-02-11 UTC
gRegor joined the channel
edited /footnote (+1451) "How to / How to markup, How to style"
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Huh, those Unicode numbers look consistent to me in Chrome and Firefox on Windows
created /User:Www.ebvs.blog (+632) "Created page with "{{Infobox person |name = Kriselda Gray |url = https://ebvs.blog |photo_url = https://www.ebvs.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/avatar_b48d7a7c4690_128.jpg |pronouns = she/her |summary = I'm a middle-aged married mom to 2 dogs who's politically progressive and spiritually Heathen. |elsewhere = <br>{{mastodon-link | instance = Pagan.Plus | username = Kriselda}} <br> {{mastodon-link | instance = Newsie.Social | username = Lyssandri}} [https://medium.com/@earthboundvalkyrie...""
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Just saw the screenshots in the github issue, wow
Interesting deep dive in there. And makes sense why it looks ok for me, the font is Arial by default.
gRegor whoa interesting, maybe it's a MacOS issue!
Yeah, on the wiki at least, it has html,body {font-family: sans-serif;} which I guess Windows renders Arial by default.
Guessing that renders Helvetica on Mac?
yes, just verified in Inspector
From that gh thread, I didn't realize that font fallbacks are *per character*. Interesting.
oh yeah
and it follows the fallback order you give it in the 'font-family' property!
right, that part makes sense. just hadn't thought of it at the individual character level haha
so you can mix text from different languages in the same paragraph and have different fonts handle different language scripts
pretty cool
there are many fonts that are designed to handle specific language scripts better
created /Template:EBValkyrie (+179) "Created page with "<span class="h-card" style="white-space:nowrap">{{sparkline|https://www.ebvs.blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/avatar_b48d7a7c4690_128.jpg}} [[User:www.ebvs.blog|EBValkyrie]]</span>""
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EBValkyrie joined the channel
Hi, I'm trying to get set up with brid.gy Fed, and it looks like I've got all the pieces I need, but when I try to subscribe either of my mastodon instance accounts to my website brid.gy fed instance, I either get a message of an error, or it just hangs on the logo screen.
welcome EBValkyrie! what's your website that you've setup with Bridgy Fed?
[cleverdevil] and EBValkyrie joined the channel
Hi Tantek! If you're still here, it's https://ebvs.blog
angelo, [jeremycherfas]1, jbove, [TMichelleMoore], [tantek], [asuh], [chrisbergr], GWG, starrwulfe, barnaby, [jamietanna], gRegor and [Murray] joined the channel
created /wiki_engine (+26) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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mro joined the channel
I'm going to be testing why Cali isn't archiving Etherpad links.
This etherpad has already been archived.
Created https://indieweb.org/events/test-cali. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.
created /events/test-cali (+786) "Created page with " '''<dfn>events/test-cali</dfn>''' was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on . * https://etherpad.indieweb.org/hwc-london-europe-test * When: * Archived from: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/hwc-london-europe-test Welcome to Etherpad! You've created a new document. We typically use Etherpad to take session notes during IndieWebCamp events. Please delete this welcome text above, and use the template below to begin taking notes during your session. ----...""
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[tantek] Is this what you expected re: "get the slug from an Etherpad link"?
cali-iwc joined the channel
gRegor trailing slashes are now removed from /events/xyz per your suggestion on the wiki.
cali-iwc, mro, [manton], barnaby and gRegor joined the channel
Thanks, capjamesg!
Re: etherpads I don't usually archive from that URL because the slugs aren't consistent with what we put in the table on /Template:Homebrew_Website_Club, but...
If they're consistently named like https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2023-02-08-hwc-pacific, I would expect the slug to be `events/2023-02-08-hwc-pacific`
Basically append the slug of the etherpad to `events/`
I actually updated https://events.indieweb.org/2023/02/homebrew-website-club-europe-london-j3qwd7aBUlxL to have the etherpad slug: 2023-02-15-hwc-europe. That's the typical format in that HWC table.