2023-04-01 UTC
IWSlackGateway, [schmarty], [snarfed], angelo, [tantek], strugee, [jamietanna], [TMichelleMoore], [pfefferle] and nertzy joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], [snarfed] and jjuran_ joined the channel
# 17:38 capjamesg "Technically v1.1 is announced to be deprecated in 30 days" wtf
[chrisbergr] joined the channel
# 18:06 aaronpk petermolnar: if you're around i can try setting up the bridge again
# 19:46 petermolnar aaronpk: the bridge is down, please try to start it on your side.
# 19:52 aaronpk hm, it's like it's not actually loading the config file at all
# 19:58 Loqi [preview] [qaisjp] go-discord-irc: The Discord and IRC bridge with puppets! An IRC user is created for each Discord user, messages from IRC seamlessly appear on Discord, and Discord mentions are automagically converted to and from IRC.
# 19:59 aaronpk if i run it without the `--config config.yml` it complains that the the --config option is required
# 19:59 aaronpk but if i give it a filename that doesn't exist, it doesn't give any errors and just outputs the same 401 error
# 20:06 aaronpk ok i just made my own bot user on discord and got a new token and i think it's working
# 20:07 aaronpk now i just have to figure out how to give the bot permissions
# 20:10 aaronpk ok progress... `could not open session: websocket: close 4014: Disallowed intent(s)`
# 20:21 aaronpk ok i had to enable all the "privileged intents" in the bot settings
# 20:22 Loqi [preview] [MTF] #616 Discord no longer sending messages to IRC
# 20:30 aaronpk something is wrong with the TLS connection to libera
# 20:31 aaronpk oh actually it might just be rejecting this ip address
# 20:33 petermolnar that would be surprising to be honest, I recently changed providers and IPs and it worked, to my surprise
# 20:33 aaronpk now i'm just getting "Error, disconnected: EOF" from libera when the bot tries to connect
# 20:36 aaronpk but maybe i've already hit some rate limits from the not-simple attempts?
IWDiscordRelay and mouse[d] joined the channel
# 20:37 aaronpk hm, in this config it's using the `IWDiscord` nick so maybe that's old?
IWDiscord joined the channel
mouse[d] and IWDiscordRelay joined the channel
# 20:42 aaronpk ok. i'll email libera support to see if they can raise the rate limits for this IP
IWSlackGateway and [tantek] joined the channel