#meta 2023-04-03

2023-04-03 UTC
Loqi__ joined the channel
6.5 days until Six years since first draft of the Microsub spec was posted: https://indieweb.org/Microsub-spec
I added a countdown scheduled for 2023-04-09 7:39am PDT (#7023)
16.5 days until 10 years since the first indieweb post with federated comments: https://indieweb.org/timeline#2013
I added a countdown scheduled for 2023-04-19 7:49am PDT (#7024)
[tantek]: Can you make these anniversaries into an iCal file?
7.5 days until 7 years since Webmention.rocks validator and test suite launched! https://indieweb.org/timeline#2016
I added a countdown scheduled for 2023-04-10 7:51am PDT (#7025)
GWG, if we had an h-event template for the entries on /timeline then you could put that through an h-even to iCal converter for that
could be interesting to figure out how to make them show up as annual anniversaries instead of merely historical events
[tantek]: That's what I imagine whenever you mention an anniversary
GWG, I'm also doing some degree of editorial curating, not mentioning everything that happened in any given month/year
[tantek]: So do many anniversary style calendars
As usual, there's a lot of human judgment work as well as any technical (templates, files/feeds) work
By the way, trying to get session date interest for a Micropub session https://indieweb.org/2023/Pop-ups/Sessions#Micropub
micheledm[m], nertzy and [manton] joined the channel
[tantek] That’s fair… I was mostly trying to respond to the “should be free” comments I saw. Maybe $40 is too high. Maybe should’ve had sponsors? Dunno.
GWG [tantek]: Somewhat related, a statically rendered git versioned markdown-based events calendar producing HTML, iCal and RSS https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/Events
"markdown-based events calendar" is not a phrase I expected to see
[manton] to contrast, IndieWebSummit 2019, in-person, was "$10 or free", where the "or free" option I believe required checking a checkbox that said something like I am experiencing economic hardship and cannot afford a $10 fee, and people treated it pretty honestly: https://2019.indieweb.org/summit
There were no differences in benefits/privileges between the $10 or free tickets
bkil, do you know if calendity (the code behind that codeberg events repo) support h-event? or if the maintainers are open to template PRs to add h-event support? (can take this to #indieweb-dev if you prefer)
Speaking of IndieWeb Summit, wonder if there has been any interest in bring it back? Maybe too late for this year.
Yes there's definitely interest!
what is 2023
✨ It would be great to organize an IndieWeb Summit 2023 if we are able to find a venue (possibly in Portland, or maybe another city like New York) and figure out what kind of Covid precautions would keep people reasonably safe, and set very clear expectations of what is expected of participants https://indieweb.org/2023
I don't think it is too late (yet). Something in October could work for example
[snarfed] and gRegor joined the channel
edited /Eleventy (-74) "integrate "See Also" content into main sections"
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[manton] do you have city preferences for an IWS?
If it were in Europe I'd try to come.
That may be too much of an ask though.
[tantek] Not really. I always love an excuse to visit Portland, though.
I too appreciate an excuse to visit Portland however I have not been since 2019 and it sounds like a lot of the downtown area has become sadly "unfriendly" to casual visits/visitors, to put it politely :/
(Poverty/homelessness got a lot worse during the pandemic)
(And the minority of publicly aggressive & antisocial behaviors that comes with that unfortunately)
That is unfortunate. For what it’s worth, I was in Portland a couple months ago but never even went downtown… I was in northeast and didn’t have any problems.
I'd be interested in some data on that vs anecdotes or vibes. Probably hard to sift through with propaganda about the protests in 2020, though. Like some media acted like the whole city was on fire or something.
downtown isn't great, a lot of businesses and offices closed
[benatwork] joined the channel
there's a lot more to portland than downtown tho!
indeed! it would depend on where we could find a venue, which is true for any city tho
I'm definitely up for exploring other areas of Portland!
will take this to #indieweb-chat
IWSlackGateway, [tantek], [benatwork] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
edited /Planning (+12) "/* Berlin */ note interested label for prospective attendees"
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capjamesg, if you're interested in helping make an IWC Berlin in September happen, please reach out to other folks in Europe and encourage them to add their names to the https://indieweb.org/Planning#Berlin "Interested" list and which date(s) would work for them
I still haven't seen the new Berlin airport
-> #indieweb-chat
[schmarty] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel