#Loqi[ender] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
#GWG[schmarty] is in the heart of things... I live in Queens...not as centrally located, but I'd help and attend... I just don't have any venue options
#[schmarty]hello, yes, i am interested! were you thinking something like an in-person Homebrew Website Club (couple of hours in-person event) or like an IndieWebCamp (2-day event, unconference followed by hack day)
#GWG[schmarty] organized one of my favorite camps.
#[ender]I was thinking about an event like build your own website in an hour
#[ender]I would hope to collaborate with rhizome, sfpc, or even bluestockings? depends on their willingness and interest. (bluestockings is just a bookstore that is cool and they might help)
#[ender]I have quite a few ideas for venue but I don't own one myself ! just ppl who might like the idea
#[ender]we could host popups to gauge interest in a longer meeting? idea from today's homebrew
#[schmarty]ah, a different kind of thing! i don't know much about those venues, unfortunately. i can best help with things on the indieweb side (wiki, event pages, tips from organizing in the past, etc) and (depending on the topic) lend a hand with event planning and facilitating.
#[schmarty]a focus like "build a website in an hour" kinda fits, but i suggest writing up specific goals and a loose timeline for the event (e.g. 30 minutes for latecomers, intros, kickoff, 1 hour hacking, 30 minutes demos, wrap up).
#[ender]bluestockings might be interested in a meeting with an empowerment theme (you can code or something like that?)
#[ender]I'm most interested in venue and theme of meeting
#[ender]just some ideas. the wiki you linked to seems solid to me
#[ender]I think sfpc would be interested if there was a focus on DIY website making, and rhizome might be interested in a meeting with an artistic theme (like web art)
#[ender]↩️ build a website in an hour is adapted from [capjamesg]! writing a plan for the meeting also makes sense
#Loqicapjamesg has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (126 in all channels)
#[schmarty]ender++ thanks for reaching out. i'll be in and out of chat, happy to help plan when i am around. stepping away from the computer for today!
#Loqiender has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
#GWG[schmarty]: I still say ain't no party like a schmarty party.
#[ender]I have several venue ideas! im not sure others are interested in me trying to reach out though. i also don't know what to say to each venue
#gRegor[ender], I haven't really since uh 2017 so I'm rusty, haha. That was a maker space I reached out to, so they were interested right off the bat
#[schmarty]for past venues in NYC (ca 2019 aka "the before times") i just occupied a table at a coffee shop, no real venue coordination was needed. for the ones you mentioned it sounds like they may have a way to contact them, probably email or a contact form?
#[ender]is anyone interested in me doing outreach? if so, what would the outreach email say?
#[schmarty]i think it makes sense to contact them with details like a couple of sentences about the event, how much space and time would be needed. depending on the venue maybe including ways that it fits with their organization or mission, offering to answer any questions they have and how best to contact you, etc.
#[schmarty]i wonder if we have anything like that on the wiki 🤔
#[schmarty]i'm not sure i've ever done it personally! prior to hosting HWC NYC meetups (zero-coordination with coffee shop venues) I was hosting HWC Baltimore where I personally knew folks at a great youth makerspace that was often unused after hours.
#[ender]do you want to choose a coffee shop venue then?
#gRegorYeah I'm not sure of a page with suggestions for the outreach part, kind of a hybrid between info on /HWC/pop-ups (which have been almost entirely virtual), and /organizing (IndieWebCamps)
#GWGBut jgmac1106 thought a few years ago that he could get us St John's University
#gRegorchecks back to see if I documented anything like this from IWC Bellingham
#gRegorindieweb.org/principles is a good link to include in any outreach
#[schmarty]ender: this is where we are bumping up against my wrecked confidence for hosting since COVID. even pre-COVID it was a challenge to grab tables near power, make sure everyone can get on the wifi, etc. they can be challenging!
#[schmarty]i'm still not doing eating, drinking, or going unmasked indoors in public places, so i'm not even a good coffee shop customer when i'm _not_ trying to grab space for an event 😅
#[ender]okay. I would like to answer some questions then:
#[ender]4. If there is interest, when could I reach out to the venues listed in this chat?
#[ender]2. Is "build your own website" an okay popup theme?( I am thinking from the perspective of a venue who doesn't know what HWC is)
#[ender]3. If not, what popup themes are others interested in?
#[schmarty]looking forward to other folks' thoughts on these! i'm going to sit with it for the evening!
#gRegorFor interest and theme, I would recommend adding to /pop-ups, copying the "Proposed Pop-up Template" section there. Include in the description that it's for an in-person event, not virtual, since most pop-ups have been virtual.
#gRegorThen further iteration/planning can happen there. As things get more solid, it can be put on events.indieweb.org as a planned event
#Loqi🏕 Pop-ups are one-time IndieWeb events covering a specific topic, similar to an IndieWebCamp session, or a pop-up Homebrew Website Club in a new location. The IndieWeb community is planning upcoming pop-ups — if you'd like to help, please contribute to this page https://indieweb.org/popup