#meta 2023-08-28

2023-08-28 UTC
Loqi___ and [tantek] joined the channel
Zegnat, the whole microbrowser thing being coined for link preview was complete crap
the term microbrowser already meant something in the mobile context
the article coining it as if it was a new thing did not do its homework
pretty sure I already ranted about this
[preview] [Tantek Çelik] link preview agent — n. a user agent that crawls a web page for text, image(s), link(s) etc. to make a link preview https://indieweb.org/link-preview. @24ways (ht @KevinMarks): it’s not a “microbrowser” (already an alias for mobile browser¹...
Zegnat, LMK if you want to keep that errant one-time use of "microbrowser" on the link preview page (literally no one did outside that mistaken article) and add my blog post debunking it, or if you just want to remove it. It's either a poor citation or it's a documentation of a mistake
[tantek]: huh, interesting. Honestly never heard anyone refer to mobile browsers as microbrowsers. Maybe because I never did WAP and related browsing.
I still like the link in general, as it is a great call-out on how people consume media in apps through perviews (the new obnly reading headlines). But I will add your link for the extra context!
vanderven.se martijn
edited /link-preview (+934) "/* See Also */ Add context on microbrowser being an alias for mobile browser, link preview agent would have been better."
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jeremy, AramZS and sp1ff joined the channel
Zegnat, "never heard anyone refer to" is a poor excuse when there's literally a Wikipedia article/redirect with the exact term: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/microbrowser. IMO that's a minimum bar for "looking something up" (Google / Wikipedia search)
[snarfed] and gRegor joined the channel
Do we have a page or article documenting concerns about GenAI / LLMs using blog posts as training data? [capjamesg]?
This article though about Wikipedia seems related to such concerns and I figured it should be something we document somewhere: https://slate.com/technology/2023/08/wikipedia-artificial-intelligence-threat.html
edited /Planning (+139) "mv Nuremburg to planned, +events.indieweb.org link"
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[dave] joined the channel
[tantek] No, but we should create one.
capjamesg yes exactly what I was thinking — those kinds of articles from TracyDurnell++
TracyDurnell has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
sp1ff` and barnaby joined the channel
edited /link-preview (+6) "/* Pinterest */ Update link to Rich Pins documentation"
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