[tantek]MacOS/laptop hardware tip that may help reduce some crash-like problems and help with debugging. Turn off all forms of "turn off display" e.g. hot corners, screensavers, battery/power adapter energy settings. Slam the "turn off display" setting to like 3 hours so it never happens to you. It has repeatedly happened to me (display turned off) and then stayed *stuck* in with the display off no matter what I've done like close the lid
[tantek](sleep) and wake up, plug / unplug an external display, plug / unplug power, etc. I no longer trust "turn off display" to not once a while (every couple of weeks?) stay stuck that way.
[tantek]Also go into your MacOS Settings / Sound panel / Sound Effects tab and check [x] Play feedback when volume changed. This will help you determine if/when your display goes dark whether or not everything has crashed or just the display, because you can press the volume up/down buttons and get an audio response if the system is still running.
[tantek]Ah, I had set one of my Hot Corners in MacOS Settings / Desktop & Screen Saver to "Put Display to Sleep". Don't do that. That's buggy & unreliable (your display might not turn back on). Instead set it to "Lock Screen"
btrem[tantek] I've had an analagous problem with my Ubuntu desktop going to suspend mode, then when I wake it the box turns on (the led turns blue) but the display does not. Very annoying, as the only solution is to force shut down the pc and turn it on again. I -- like you -- have now disabled it. Though, unlike you, the screen saver works every time.
[catgirlinspace][tantek] running the sonoma beta and haven't ran into any issues like that. on an earlier beta though i did have an issue where sometimes after waking up my macbook it'd just be stuck on the lock screen for around 10 seconds with the little wait cursor. seems like that's fixed though.
jeremy, [Murray], btrem1 and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[KevinMarks]I have got sick of the MacOS admin tax of updating my dev machines. Their new releases are focused on this years hardware, and I don't trust them on previous hardware until x.x.4 versions, and their faffing around with demoable features has got a lot worse (Jobs was a better editor than Cook) I deliberately bought the last Intel iMac so my VMs for Linux and Windows would be more straightforward, but my Intel iMac and MacBook
[tantek][KevinMarks] that's my feeling too about major new OS versions being primarily for new hardware, so better to keep existing hardware running on the major version it came with
[manton]As a side note, I could get behind BobWyman’s comment at the end on a “broad but shallow” scope for the WG. ActivityPub-only seems too limiting.
[tantek]alright, I believe I have done a reasonable job of Social CG minutes fix up and am going to park that for now. maybe onto newsletter related things (e.g. wiki gardening)
[tantek]nerd snipes are potentially useful in that they usually cause someone to go build / fix something that they were not otherwise prioritizing to do
[tantek]and "flame wars" is both too general and not what this is. this kind of dev trolling (httprange14, SSL client certs) can and usually is perfectly civil without any flames
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "dev trolls" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "dev trolls is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]dev trolls are topics that are brought up once in a while in the IndieWeb [[discuss]]ion channels, usually the "dev" channel, that consume quite a bit of time without any productive or actionable results, and have the impact of displacing otherwise useful conversations.
[schmarty]tarpits? rabbit holes? cans of worms? i feel like they can seem like straightforward things to discuss so i like the idea of emphasizing that they are a trap. :}
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "dev traps" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "dev traps is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "dev chat traps" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "dev chat traps is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]dev chat traps are technical topics, questions, debates that are brought up once in a while in the IndieWeb [[discuss]]ion channels, usually the "dev" channel, that consume quite a bit of time without any productive or actionable results, and have the impact of displacing otherwise useful conversations.
tantek.comedited /.app (-260) "merged in to [[app]]. r there for disambig. page was page untouched for 5 years, only a stub dfn + blog post, No pages link to it" (view diff)
LoqiApp typically refers to a native app, usually a less functional version of a web site that is usually restricted to one or more proprietary platforms, but may also refer to the .app top level domain setup by Google that requires HTTPS https://indieweb.org/.app
LoqiA web application or web app is an application written in web technologies that runs in a web browser, and sometimes standalone on some devices https://indieweb.org/webapp
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-09-22.html
tantek.comedited /glossary (+264) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add another example that illustrates order of post glossary vs footnotes sections (footnotes stay at the bottom, still the footer)" (view diff)