#meta 2023-11-04

2023-11-04 UTC
kleb, fluffy, trwnh, aaronpk, CRISPR, AramZS, [snarfed], jjuran, neceve, [schmarty], nertzy, barnaby and gRegor joined the channel
via adactio: https://mastodon.social/@qubyte/111353353682859971 - anyone going for ffconf.org next week? There might be people wanting to talk IWC / do an HWC!
[preview] [Mark Everitt] Any #IndieWeb folk heading to #ffconf next week? Iā€™m wondering if anyone fancies a little informal Homebrew Website Club, or maybe just a coffee or a pint.
barnaby, tbbrown, [jamietanna] and [jacky] joined the channel