aaronpkyeah it's a cool idea in theory, but very fringe, and turns out lots of edge cases to worry about that end up causing more trouble than it's worth
[schmarty]interesting stuff happening in the Matrix ecosystem, it seems. development of the main Matrix server software is moving from the Foundation under Apache V2 license to the Element company under the AGPL v3 license, requiring downstream folks who modify it to release their changes as open source... https://element.io/blog/element-to-adopt-agplv3/
sknebel(and of course the "we retain right to license as we wish"-part of the AGPL move means any competitor now has to make a deal with them or make the customer understand and accept AGPL-compliance, they dont...)
[schmarty]right, Element gets to say "this is AGPL so you release your modifications" but as the primary maintainers they can do their own modifications without releasing them if they wish.
[schmarty]hmm. actually i'm not sure about that. depends on what outside contributors are agreeing to. if an outside contributor licenses AGPL then Element can't extend that work without also releasing their mods.
[tantek]That's a bullshiy change. If it's actually accurate to rename references to Twitter to X then they'd rename the page to "X_(service)" or something