tantek.comedited /POSSE (+57) "put diagram below new icon, and keep the Zach video link adjacent to it, move TOC down instead of div clear" (view diff)
dutchkin joined the channel; dutchkin left the channel
[tantek]One of the (few) email newsletters I receive uses the heading "What We're Reading" for links to external relevant articles which struck me as more appealing than say "Posts about the IndieWeb". I'm thinking some copy-editing of our This Week newsletter headings might be more encouraging for folks to listen/read
[aciccarello]I feel mixed about the emoji in titles. I'm not sure at what point people who use screen readers find that annoying (could hide via aria).
gRegorI should check if I have a picture of this, near the start of the parade one of the big cruise ships was leaving so it blocked the parade for a few moments and had all it's lights on too. It was quite funny.