#meta 2023-11-21

2023-11-21 UTC
edited /MediaWiki_customizations (+742) "List outdated sponsor logo images"
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edited /MediaWiki_customizations (+536) "Add note in agreement about upgrading to Vector 2022 (er, 2023)"
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gRegor, jjuran and dutchkin joined the channel
edited /POSSE (+57) "put diagram below new icon, and keep the Zach video link adjacent to it, move TOC down instead of div clear"
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dutchkin joined the channel; dutchkin left the channel
edited /writing (+656) "adding some links"
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[Paul_Robert_Ll], CRISPR, [manton], [aciccarello], [snarfed], Guest6, barnaby and dolearning joined the channel
One of the (few) email newsletters I receive uses the heading "What We're Reading" for links to external relevant articles which struck me as more appealing than say "Posts about the IndieWeb". I'm thinking some copy-editing of our This Week newsletter headings might be more encouraging for folks to listen/read
gRegor joined the channel
e.g. "Podcasts" -> "What We’re Listening To"
"Posts about the IndieWeb" -> "What We're Reading"
What do people think?
Separately, what do folks think about putting a representative emoji at the start of the heading?
right now the newsletter looks very "lines of text heavy" e.g. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2023-11-10.html
I like the "What we're ___" titles
[davidmead] joined the channel
I think that’s a good idea tantek
I feel mixed about the emoji in titles. I'm not sure at what point people who use screen readers find that annoying (could hide via aria).
emoji + more approachable headins
I wonder if some typography improvements could help differentiate the headings too.
ok I'll write up a PR and paste a link
jeremycherfas, [schmarty] and ryanachronism joined the channel
edited /Planning (+143) "/* San Diego */ Nearby events: bay of lights parade"
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Oh, I've been wanting to see the bay of lights parade
I went several years ago and it was fun.
There's apparently one in Mission Bay on the 9th, too.
edited /Planning (+118) "/* San Diego */ +mission bay parade of lights"
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I should check if I have a picture of this, near the start of the parade one of the big cruise ships was leaving so it blocked the parade for a few moments and had all it's lights on too. It was quite funny.
[github] Pull request closed by capjamesg: https://github.com/indieweb/spec.indieweb.org/pull/15
Which weekend should we lean toward?