#meta 2023-12-05

2023-12-05 UTC
This weekend is the 4 year anniversary of the last in person Indiewebcamp I attended. IWC SF 2019
barnaby joined the channel
[jacky]: That was a fun weekend
[0x3b0b] joined the channel
edited /eat_what_you_cook (+427) "try eating what they cook as a replacement for selfdogfooding (with the ing)"
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edited /Micro.blog (+7) "eating what they cook"
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[manton], srijan, [James_Van_Dyne], [Murray], barnaby, [schmarty], [tantek] and [aciccarello] joined the channel
created /quantum_website (+2020) "prompted by gRegor"
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^ ok that doesn't have any IndieWeb relevance nor even any real world examples mentioned here
Starrwulfe, do you have such a website yourself? Otherwise that reads like something that should be a Wikipedia article, not on the IndieWeb wiki
I don't have one myself but I did see it discussed at work a few times and just saw someone ask Loqi in a different channel so I filled in the information I had on it.
gRegor, you asked in #indieweb chat: https://chat.indieweb.org/2023-12-04#t1701724314456300 , yet I don't see any prior context for this phrase or discussion — where did this come from?
and what's its IndieWeb relevance
Feel free to erase/clean it up if needed... I doubt we'll have a need for superimpositional sites for a while in this space!
gRegor joined the channel
what is relevant to the IndieWeb
It looks like we don't have a page for "relevant to the IndieWeb" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "relevant to the IndieWeb is ____", a sentence describing the term)
found it
relevant to the IndieWeb is /relevant_to_the_IndieWeb_wiki
created /relevant_to_the_IndieWeb (+42) "prompted by [tantek] and redirect added by [tantek]"
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what is relevant to the IndieWeb
Anything directly related to people with their own websites, such as technologies and services used, design and UX, formats and protocols, as well as events or podcasts with IndieWeb talks or content are relevant to the IndieWeb wiki https://indieweb.org/relevant_to_the_IndieWeb
^ Starrwulfe did you by any chance come across that page before, and if not, take a look! Would appreciate your feedback on how approachable / understandable it is
OK, I'll go back and see if there's something related to indieweb vis a vis quantum websites and rewrite from that perspective... If I find something (doubt it tho!)
Otherwise, could be an opportunity to "Be Bold" and create a new page on Wikipedia
[tantek]: Nope! I'll proof though
for that type of general content about a concept/phrase
😸 ...I am one of those weirdoes that makes Wikipedia articles on obscure things I know about so, might be fun!
I mean same, look up Toast point 🙂 (now more in #indieweb-chat territory)
starrwulfe, if you can confirm that you have the contents of the quantum website page yourself (so you can re-use it in a Wikipedia article etc.), I'll go ahead and delete the page from the IndieWeb wiki
Yep, I got it
AramZS joined the channel
deleted /quantum_website "content was quantum website info unrelated to IndieWeb in particular"
edited /Special:Log/move () "moved [[Craft]] to [[Craft CMS]] over redirect: this will probably be a disambiguation soon"
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edited /Special:Log/delete () "Www.svenknebel.de deleted redirect [[Craft CMS]] by overwriting: Deleted to make way for move from "[[Craft]]""
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created /Craft.do (+114) "prompted by sknebel and dfn added by sknebel"
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huh? ah, I guess craft CMS redirected to craft, that's ok to delete
what is Craft
Craft is a commercial PHP/MySQL CMS and eCommerce platform, with both hosted and self-hosted options https://indieweb.org/Craft
you can go to https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=Craft&redirect=no now and edit to change the redirect into a disambiguation page
edited /Craft (+89) "turn into disambig"
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what is Craft?
Craft is either Craft CMS, a PHP/MySQL CMS, or Craft.do, a document collaboration SaaS https://indieweb.org/Craft
OK, let me know if I need to do any more.
what is craft.do?
what is craft.do?
Craft.do is a platform for creating and collaboration on documents, notes and projects https://indieweb.org/Craft.do
edited /YAMLFeed (-111) "rm old/deadn example"
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starrwulfe++ for an excellent IndieWeb related stub page
starrwulfe has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
edited /Craft.do (+51) "dfn +IndieWeb relevance, Features section"
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edited /next-iwc (-7) "SD!"
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AramZS_ joined the channel
edited /2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+32) "new wiki page by starrwulfe today!"
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starrwulfe, create a sparkline for yourself! see https://indieweb.org/wikifying#Step_Four:_Add_a_sparkline