#meta 2023-12-25

2023-12-25 UTC
[Joe_Crawford] and AramZS joined the channel
created /trophy (+18) "prompted by gRegor and redirect added by gRegor"
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edited /Planning (+470) "stub San Diego for 2024!"
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edited /Planning (+13) "/* San Diego */ hopefully GWG too"
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!tell [Joe_Crawford] I stubbed a IWC SD 2024 planning section: https://indieweb.org/Planning#San_Diego — you up for co-organizing and arranging the venue again? If so, edit that page and remove the "(hopefully!)" next to your name :)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
edited /2023/SD (+39) "/* Organizers */ roles"
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edited /Planning (-3) "/* San Diego - Joe v v likely to participate and co-organize! */"
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[tantek] what do you think about making the next SD event earlier or later than Dec? I’m guessing the winter spike will still hold as a pattern.
I think that's doable. Add it to the wiki [Al_Abut]. I think mid-Spring could be nice. Someplace with good outdoor venue possibly with available outdoor private-ish area and ability to have a shared screen and better noise control to help with remote participation. I'll be keeping that criteria in mind. 🙂
How about early November?
edited /2023/SD (+450) "/* Places */ add two food places I really liked"
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I’m down for whatever!
edited /to-do (-374) "/* Tagboards */ site died a while ago, as Jacky noted, and we don't need it. task dropped"
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edited /static_hosting (-15) "new redirect"
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edited /lost_sites (+76) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ lionzan .me, past static site, domain lost and reset apparently"
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created /static_web_hosting (+4106) "stub with dfn, contents from Web Hosting page. deserves its own page per [[to-do]]"
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edited /web_hosting () "(-3603) /* Static domain hosting */ move primary content to its own page, leave behind summary, list of services, and link to IndieWeb examples"
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edited /2023-12-indieweb-gift-calendar (+38) "another to-do new page for today!"
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edited /to-do (-286) "done: create separate static web hosting page instead of a redirect, update redirects accordingly"
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edited /static_web_hosting (+6) "/* Static web hosting services */ link to more specific [[GitHub static pages]]"
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there's my contribution to the Gift Calendar for tomorrow!
er, I mean for today
GWG, up to you for tomorrow's Gift Calendar entry!
benji, cali-iwc, RedTheeBean and [snarfed] joined the channel
Create Day starts now. Zoom is live.
barnabywalters joined the channel
GWG++ Happy Createmas to all!
GWG has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (51 in all channels)
ezrizhu, AramZS and gRegor joined the channel