[tantek]aaronpk yes, and I also really appreciate the zero tabs of Firefox Focus. Like there's a whole class of pages I open where I’m ok if they get pushed down the stack in the history instead of opening new tabs
[tantek]asking in #indieweb-meta because I'm wondering if it would benefit our home page if we had some auto-updating (once a day) modules like that on our home page
[tantek](though Wikipedia's modules are at least somewhat curated, I'm pretty sure I could come up with algorithms to come up with decent automation for the IndieWeb wiki, because our content is much more constrained)
[tantek]Today's Featured Article could literally a page at random that meets a few thresholds (min number of edits, min length of content, min number of editors)
[tantek]Did you know ... is harder, because I think it requires some combination of interestingness / usefulness, and extraction of a fact from an existing wiki page. That's going to take some time (and may be an AI-hard problem 😂 )
[tantek]Today's featured picture ... would need better tagging of images uploaded to the wiki, to indicate that they were photos, or maybe we could auto-pick from individual IndieWebCamp pages "Photos" sections — that might work. Though we'd need enough summary text copy to accompany the photo, and I'm not sure we have that.
[tantek]to-do << Go through past [[IndieWebCamps]]/[[cities]] individual camp pages, for each that has a "Photos" section (each should!), expand dfn to summary of the camp & stats, location including city state (if any) country, nth camp overall, nth in-person (or nth online), nth in country, nth in city/region (e.g. LA as one city region), n total number of participants (remote-only in parens), n sessions (link), n hours of sessions, n hours of
[tantek]recordings (link to playlist of all sessions), keynotes (if any) on topics 1 2 3 (linked recordings) by keynoters A B C (linked personal sites), finishing with n demos
Loqiok, I added "Go through past [[IndieWebCamps]]/[[cities]] individual camp pages, for each that has a "Photos" section (each should!), expand dfn to summary of the camp & stats, location including city state (if any) country, nth camp overall, nth in-person (or nth online), nth in country, nth in city/region (e.g. LA as one city region), n total number of participants (remote-only in parens), n sessions (link), n hours of sessions, n hours of" to the "See Also" section of /to-dohttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=92032&oldid=91978
[tantek]GWG, I like Create Days because they are multi-topic and more broadly appealing/accessible to anyone that wants to make/create/update even minor things on their personal sites