2024-05-04 UTC
# 00:05 [tantek] well I guess that's another top of edited pages page for next week's newsletter
# 00:06 [tantek] doing my best to close indieweb tabs and aggregate them somewhere in a logical fashion that could help create another page on the indieweb wiki etc.
Ezri and Ezri4 joined the channel
# 04:02 Loqi echofeed << to-do: move to "EchoFeed" canonical capitalization
# 04:02 Loqi Countdown set by [tantek] on 2024-05-03 at 4:01am UTC
revi, Ezri, standingdesk[d], gRegorLove_, starrwulfe, [Al_Abut], [qubyte], [Ros] and [capjamesg] joined the channel
# 22:40 gRegor Haha, nice, had the same thought to do that after the newsletter went out