#meta 2024-05-28

2024-05-28 UTC
peterkaminski, AramZS and [tantek] joined the channel
Inspired by [snarfed], nudge and guidance to avoid general AI-related rants in our on-topic channels (really appreciate that observation and request Ryan!), I'd like to add a (sub)section guideline in /discuss to please Avoid General Technology Rants (like literally with that heading, so we can link to it) in any "on-topic" channels, and suggest using random (or your own blog!) for such things instead.
We have a very constructively focused community, and I think it takes deliberate steps to retain that, while I also understand and sympathize having a community "outlet" and #indieweb-random is great for that.
AramZS joined the channel
wow, interesting! [tantek]++
[tantek] has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (108 in all channels)
ok I'll draft something in Brainstorming and ask for async opinions
edited /discuss (+2043) "/* Brainstorming */ draft Avoid General Technology Rants"
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edited /discuss (+59) "/* Avoid General Technology Rants */ Thoughts?"
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Thanks for the encouragement (and original inspiration) [snarfed]++
[snarfed] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
Wrote up section in Brainstorming. Take a look and add your opinion (everyone here) https://indieweb.org/discuss#Avoid_General_Technology_Rants
I've heard and kind of liked "tech politics" as another term for this kind of talk, along with "rants"
so it sounds like #indieweb-chat is (will eventually be) dead, long live #indieweb-random?
AramZS joined the channel
re: is chat dead; almost, some proposals for the last usecase which is still valid: https://indieweb.org/discuss#off_the_record_channel
gRegor and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
edited /discuss (+2993) "/* other new channels */ link sharing channel, advantages, a couple of possible names"
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new channel proposal, for link sharing: https://indieweb.org/discuss#link_sharing
thoughts welcome, as well as opinions for proposed name(s) or other names
edited /discuss (+477) "/* link sharing */"
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edited /discuss (+426) "/* link sharing - alternative thought */"
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edited /discuss (+222) "/* link sharing */ describe concerns"
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aciccarello, did you mean *discourage* link-dumping?
aaronpk, I will add "redefine stream channel scope to include link-sharing rather than other channels" as an alternative — I almost added that originally
edited /discuss (+522) "/* link sharing */ alternative: expand "stream" channel scope to include link-sharing, per aaronpk comment in indieweb-links naming suggestion"
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aaronpk, can you review my addition of your alternative proposal (alternative: expand "stream" channel scope to include link-sharing) to see if I got the details roughly correct? https://indieweb.org/discuss#link_sharing
I’m speaking to Matt McDonnell, the organiser of Peckham Digital, a festival for creative computing that’s running in South London 18-21 July. I’ve agreed to give a talk about the IndieWeb, and am encouraging the idea of holding an IndieWebCamp the weekend of the festival, too.
Matt’s looking into venues, but has never organised a camp, and I think he’d appreciate speaking to people who have and could help organise one. I’m happy to help out, but can’t take the lead as will be focused on preparing the talk. Who in London would be interested in trying to get this off the ground? I can put you in touch with Matt and hopefully get the ball rolling.
edited /Planning (+375) "London 2024 (Peckham)"
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[aciccarello] joined the channel
[Paul_Robert_Ll] I don’t know my plans right now, but that does sound interesting!
[Paul_Robert_Ll]++ thanks for exploring this possibility! Can you add the specific dates for "holding an IndieWebCamp the weekend of the festival" and indicate availability? That way other folks can also indicate their availability that weekend
[Paul_Robert_Ll] has 38 karma in this channel over the last year (58 in all channels)
created /User:Mike.helmers.me (+72) "Mike's Page"
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[James_Van_Dyne] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
edited /Planning (+28) "Add date for London (Peckham) proposal"
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edited /Pinboard (+22) "/* Software */ link /Syndication_Links"
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