tantek.comedited /discuss (+625) "/* off the record channel */ note explicit variation of starting fresh and closing indieweb-chat for reasons, long name is bad for other reasons," (view diff)
Loqi📝 create in the context of the indieweb refers to the act of and UI for creating a new post, in its simplest form, a new note, or more broadly creating anything on or for your personal site! https://indieweb.org/posting
[tantek]reminder to anyone here who considers themselves a creative (which I expect is the vast majority, and curious if anyone here does not!), XOXO application deadline is NOON PDT TODAY! (just about 100 minutes left)
Saltwill be in Portland for FOSSY, was sad we couldn't align that with a IWC, still trying to get things together for a seattle location on a different date, but ugh
Salt8/1-4 at PSU, I'm running a track related to sustainable funding, but was hoping to put together an indieweb track: https://sfconservancy.org/fossy/
[tantek]there are still a few of those sessions from past IndieWebCamps where the only record of the session is in chat archives! (and needs proper extraction / clean-up and archiving on the wiki)
aaronpkHmm missing from the events channel proposal is using it to coordinate in-person events like when people post where they're going in the evening
Loqi[preview] [[tantek]] btw I'm starting to get convinced that we need an "indieweb-meetup" channel specifically for folks at/before an event to freely chat about event-context things, without having to worry that they are stepping on other threads of conversation
capjamesg[d]It would be helpful to have a single place where we can comfortably post plans, especially at in person events. A combination of all channels is presently serving that purpose -- there is little consistency.
[tantek]yes in fact I would want to use off-the-record for last minute realtime local-specific coordinating (where personal location information / plans are being shared and feel more vulnerable to have archived/published or even have scrollback for folks who are not there in-person)
cali-iwcCreated https://indieweb.org/events/2024-05-29. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.