#meta 2024-05-30

2024-05-30 UTC
barnaby joined the channel
barnaby, jjuran and AramZS joined the channel
erscheinung[d], mauromotion[d], pcarrier[d], [Joe_Crawford], [schmarty], [Paul_Robert_Ll], [snarfed], [aciccarello], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, [Jo], [Ros], [KevinMarks], barnaby, [gerwitz] and nertzy joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-186) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /Template:next-hwc (+0) "update next date from events.indieweb.org"
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barnaby and [qubyte] joined the channel
edited /Planning (+263) "/* London (Peckham) */ +0 maybe"
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DJ_[dj_je][d] joined the channel
edited /discuss (+185) "move FAQ up higher, include a few topics that were very FAQ-like"
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[New Event] artlung.com created "Jun 18, 2024 12:00pm Front End Study Hall #005" https://events.indieweb.org/WD3wbGiCIija
That reminds me, we need to put some HWC Pacifics on the calendar
[schmarty] joined the channel
XOXO lottery is today. look like i'm going! 🎉
ooo congrats
i don't have flights or accommodations yet but might be able to lend a hand w/ XOXO-adjacent IndieWeb activities.
bummed you will not be there, aaronpk! then again... are you set up as an airbnb? 😂
barnaby joined the channel
congrats [schmarty]!
edited /Planning (+102) "/* Summit or Portland */ flexible Summit scheduling, conditional as an organizer. should we split IWC Portland as adjacent to XOXO from a Summit?"
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edited /Planning (+207) "/* Summit or Portland */ +me"
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[schmarty]: haha not exactly but if you are up for some cat sitting...
amy and i are excellent at sitting cats!
I will message you 😺
gRegor joined the channel
[schmarty]: If we do Indieweb stuff,. I might hop in for that and no xoxo. If cats doesn't work out, you and gRegor are some of my favorite roommates
Congrats [schmarty]! Have you been before? It should be a blast.
[benatwork] joined the channel
just got selected too :face_holding_back_tears:
wishing everyone the best of luck, may the odds ever be in your favor!
ding ding, me too
Now to decide if I'm going, haha
three IndieWeb community members makes a critical mass right?
I'll be at XOXO, as will Kelly.
I didn't apply as I am not easily convinced to do new things...
well that makes 3-4 at least. Does Kelly have (or want) her own site?
I sometimes need some help with that
she is not particularly online.
woo, so many XOXO-goers! GWG: i'm bringing a roommate this time. my spouse is also coming to XOXO!
If we don't come early enough for the IndieWeb camp... I still hope that we have an IndieWeb coffee/meetup. That was my gateway.
GWG, well we'll see if we have enough critical mass (and interest) of co-organizers to do an IWC Portland
[schmarty]: That's fine. Still wouldn't mind seeing you. Although we live 30 minutes apart, so seeing you in Portland is amusing
Unless there's a bunch more energy & interest to do a Summit, I don't see it becoming an IWS. Or rather, we could still plan an IWS separately, more in advance, later this year perhaps Seattle
Also wouldn't feel right to me to plan an IWS that aaronpk would miss
this is my only XOXO, but i imagine it is pretty intense, energy-wise. a chill IndieWeb meetup (or smaller check-ins / hangs) feels preferable to me over trying to make a big thing.
Yeah, it can be draining. If I go, I'm definitely down for a meetup, maybe a one-day popup type event. Not sure about a two-day event.
what is xoxo
XOXO (hashtag: #xoxofest) is an annual conference in Portland, Oregon that ran from 2012-2016, and 2018-2019, with the final event scheduled for 2024, and has held many IndieWeb-related events and meetups https://indieweb.org/XOXO
edited /XOXO (-19) "updated description"
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what is xoxo
XOXO (hashtag: #xoxofest) is an annual conference in Portland, Oregon that ran from 2012-2016, and 2018-2019, with the final event August 22-24, 2024, and has held many IndieWeb-related events and meetups https://indieweb.org/XOXO
yes, XOXO can be pretty intense energy-wise
gRegor, good suggestion. a one-day IWC could work well and balance participant energy, organizer labor, and excitement for XOXO itself
[snarfed] joined the channel
And even if I don't fly over... I can handle remote participation
[tantek]: Portable screen is in my Amazon cart to go with projector
I'm in for xoxofest too
We can plan a meetup in the indieweb channel there for the meetup day.
I see other former HWC attendees like Ariel, Christina Warren, MattL and Scott Rosenburg will be there
ok I don't see anyone objecting to NOT attempting an IWS adjacent to XOXO, and I'm convinced by points made by [schmarty] and gRegor to drop the possibility myself
to that extent, I am now also leaning towards organizing either (both?) a one-day IWC adjacent to XOXO, and/or a "group meetup" the way we have in past years
explicitly instead of a two-day IWC
edited /events/2019-09-06-xoxo-indieweb (+35) "was part of XOXO 2019"
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if we do a one-day IWC, that opens up the possibility of doing it on the Sunday after XOXO, which would have the advantage of possibly being more inclusive of more XOXO festival goers who learn about IWC during XOXO and happen to be around on Sunday
this could pair well with shorter "group meetup" as we have organized in past XOXO festivals, typically scheduled on Friday morning/afternoon as part of the XOXO official schedule
curious and new folks will likely show up to any such meetup, which is a good reason to propose one, and then if they're staying around Sunday and interested, they would then have the opportunity to join the IWC
Yeah I was wondering if they're planning to do the "IRL Slack meetups" the first day of XOXO this year like they did in 2018
That was actually one of my favorite parts
ah yes that's what they were called
exactly that
The #books group met at Powell's, #indieweb was that coffee shop, etc.
also per capjamesg points about including broader groups and communities, and the fact that in the past two years (2018-2019) we made it an indieweb / mastodon meetup, we'd likely want to propose the same sort of broader meetup, maybe updated to an indieweb / fediverse meetup?
ah right
how do folks feel about that? proposing a broader meetup as it were, especially across multiple Slack channels in the XOXO Slack?
for the Sunday after, we could start with a "simple" venue and informal "Create Day" / hack session / collaborations meetup at a venue with wifi that would tolerate lots of laptops (I think Cup & Bar worked for that, though we could look for others). then if that gains critical mass and if we find a separate venue we could upgrade that "Create Day Pop-up" into a full-on "One Day IWC" with breakout sessions and a create session
GWG, is HWC Pacific next Wednesday? I can add that to Meetable
gRegor: Yes, I'll be opening it I believe
+1 to meetup plans
sp1ff joined the channel
How do you know if you have FOMO?
[New Event] gregorlove.com created "Jun 5, 2024 6:00pm Homebrew Website Club - Pacific" https://events.indieweb.org/lauNkcGQCazA
gregorlove++ thanks for doing that!
gregorlove has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (+163) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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barnaby joined the channel
[New Event] snarfed.org created "Aug 22 - 24, 2024 XOXO 2024" https://events.indieweb.org/Q7X4mFWNaZYa
nertzy joined the channel