#meta 2024-06-27

2024-06-27 UTC
barnaby joined the channel
edited /handshake (+61) "incorporate SAs into new sections"
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[0x3b0b] joined the channel
what is handshake
🤝 handshake is a type of post, typically a short note, that has some text, then a handshake emoji (🤝), and some more text, indicating two things or parties who are different, yet seemingly agree or collaborate on something in common https://indieweb.org/handshake
barnaby joined the channel
alexsci.com blog
edited /planet (+139) "Link to the Archive Team list of planets"
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[tantek] tantek I feel there is a lot of nuance and interesting discussion about ceremony. Making a PR was a vaunted thing in my journey from a bootcamp, basically we would make PRs for the vaunted senior to approve, and there is definitely a ceremony about it that seeps out from its purpose.
Wikipedia will always hold a particular place for its insistence anyone can edit it with some limitations but yeah, just having the edit a click away, it will cease to be quite what it was if they change that.
I just don't have the patience / attention span
For all the Git(hub) ceremony rigamarole.
barnaby and Johan joined the channel
edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-186) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /Template:next-hwc (+0) "update next date from events.indieweb.org"
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AramZS joined the channel
URL shorteners << URL shortners should not be used in official communications: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/06/the-irony-of-ticketmasters-breach-notification-email/
barnaby and [naturestudy] joined the channel
tantek++ re: git(hub) ceremony rant. Thank you. I needed that
tantek has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (105 in all channels)
barnabywalters, barnaby and [Jo] joined the channel
oh dear, y'all are convincing me I may need to blog the git(hub) ceremony rant
edited /URL_shortener (+36) "Third Party URL shorteners in particular, add spaces where line breaks were removed, nowiki a bitly link"
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I think the friction is because GitHub wasn’t made for writing.
barnaby joined the channel
(If I understand we are comparing to MediaWiki here?)
capjamesg[d], MediaWiki, Google Docs, Etherpad, like literally every other modern collaborative text authoring tool. and yes, code is text, it doesn't get to be an exception (so to speak)
IMO the friction is because git has command-line origins, and CLIs are ALL about ceremony (lots of small little commands that each do something)
[tantek] I have used Git for years and I don't understand most of it.
Julia Evans has an amazing zine out about git recently
Which is to say there is so much friction that I don't even know what I could do.
capjamesg[d] I have used it for years and have forgotten so much because CLIs are not memorable in general
(without daily use)
[schmarty] joined the channel
I felt really proud of my git abilities in my earlier career, I was the most recent adopter of git when they had previously used SVN. But then I realized like many people I just had a knowledge of like 5-6 repetitive shell commands I clicked up for on the terminal and didnt branch out much from that
[tantek] I think we need to treat code and words as separate mediums. They may both be text, but they are different worlds. The consequences of bad code being deployed (which often happens after a review and merge, those two stages being the human vouching for the stability of the code) are significantly higher than the consequences of a bad wiki change (that can be rolled back quickly).
Agreed re: CLIs not being memorable.
Especially the trend to have single letter flags.
I can _never_ remember how to tar/untar a file.
lol indeed
i found it really useful to read through some of the folks teaching git internals stuff back in the day.
You need to remember four disparate letters to do it IIRC.
barnaby joined the channel
syntax aside, understanding how git represents and works with content got me interested in a lot of related stuff, like content-addressed storage.
sure, a bunch of the internals are interesting
the ux still sux
^ The Git Zine by Julia Evans
I endorse it strongly
[snarfed] joined the channel
If my description rings any bells to anyone else about knowing a few shell commands and feeling magical
I think part of the problem here is that I don't want to spend time on "how git works" just like I don't want to spend time on "how mysql works" when editing Wikipedia. Can you image having to issue SQL commands for every mediawiki edit? that's basically what git makes you do
I love a good rant, of course, tantek, but it sounds like you wish Git did not exist. I will disagree with that wish, if I'm hearing you right.
no [Joe_Crawford] I'm not saying "wish git not exist" just like I am not saying "wish mysql did not exist"
I fully entertain some future thing being better and ubiquitous, and it doesnt make sense for a lot of small websites in truth
I'm saying, why are people stuck on manual labor of git commands when MediaWiki etc. are great counter-examples of not making people do manual labor of SQL commands
I can't tell what you're saying then. But I like cantankerous bitching as much as anyone.
[Joe_Crawford] I am saying the design of git is bad UX, and a time waster, compared to any other typical collaborative text creating/editing tool
I can't disagree that as a valid point of view.
or rather, spends time on "ceremony" which is a distraction from content authoring and editing, and unnecessarily takes you out of the "flow" of the creative process.
I find Git useful to collaborate on software and find the tooling in GitHub and in a solid GUI interface (I like SourceTree) useful mechanisms to reason about Git workflows to plan software. (In fact I find it so useful I was able to do some code review for David in the last hour and it was great!).
But I'll cop to the fact that it's not better than, say, a Google Doc or the old SubEthaEdit for editing text collaboratively.
right [Joe_Crawford] and capjamesg[d], it's helpful to had additional steps to run automated tests/checks and stuff for anything as "fragile" or "error-prone" or "error-consequential" as code. no argument there.
Git was such a big formative part of my recent career, I think I partially convinced myself that it was like a performance, some kind of positive framing of ceremony. Like I was going to bring forward stuff like PR’s which were so pristine they would pass through a judgment sessions, so I definitely see the ceremony aspect
what gets me is the default "let's put all our prose docs / proposals / etc. in Git(Hub) because devs are already comfortable there!" reasoning. so frustrating
sure. ceremony can have/create value. just not in prose text editing, where it instead has the counterproductive impact as noted of taking you out of the "flow" of the creative process.
Right on! My favorite right now is Obsidian for Mac, and Ive tried Logseq as well
I think about the fact that the legislative process is a source code and I'd love to see the visibility and simplicity of a pull request when it comes to reviewing drafts of legislation. That need not be git, of course, but I think a web page constituting a PR is a very readable way to review and comment on a set of changes. I'm not pretending git is the best for every task of course.
the good thing about git is the "keep all the versions" baseline mentality, and its effective patch model meaning you can sync different forks; the bad thing is when that obtrudes into simpler tasks. Previous veriosn control with locks was a lot more annoying and gatekept
forking used to be a hostile political act, now it's the first thing you do
[KevinMarks] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (35 in all channels)
I will have to watch the referenced TWiT episode now 😄
what is git
Git is a popular distributed source control management system that can be used to host and share code from independent sites https://indieweb.org/git
git << [https://wizardzines.com/zines/git/ How Git Works zine] by Julia Evans
ok, I added "[https://wizardzines.com/zines/git/ How Git Works zine] by Julia Evans" to the "See Also" section of /git https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=95962&oldid=92718
🙏 Good add. Julia does the best job of anyone Ive encountered
[aciccarello] joined the channel