#meta 2024-07-02

2024-07-02 UTC
aaronpk, gRegorLove_ and [Jo] joined the channel
edited /indieweb-carnival/feed (+478) "Add the call for submission for July 2024"
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edited /User:Kaja.sknebel.net/upcoming-hwcs (-218) "update from events.indieweb.org"
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edited /Template:next-hwc (+0) "update next date from events.indieweb.org"
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[ricola], sebsel, AramZS, claudinec_away and [Murray] joined the channel
edited /curly_quotes (+199) "/* See Also */ Added my example"
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[Otto_Rask] joined the channel
edited /curly_quotes (+117) "/* Brainstorming */ +my bookmarklets note"
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!archive https://events.indieweb.org/2024/07/front-end-study-hall-006-SSFMWaLFzMng events/2024-07-02-front-end-study-hall
Created https://indieweb.org/events/2024-07-02-front-end-study-hall. Please review the page to ensure the document is correctly formatted and remove any unnecessary text.
created /events/2024-07-02-front-end-study-hall (+1859) "Created event page using IndieWeb events / Etherpad archiver"
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edited /Front_End_Study_Hall (-49) "link update"
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edited /Front_End_Study_Hall (+70) "/* Meetings added group photo*/"
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[KevinMarks], sebsel, to2ds and [manton] joined the channel
Is there a preferred way to condense the Front End Study Halls in this table: https://indieweb.org/Template:IndieWebCamp Was just about to add today's
I hadn't noticed that they were being added to the IndieWebCamps table — tbh that feels a bit dilutionary — they're more like HWC than IndieWebCamps or even Pop-ups
Maybe one link to /Front_End_Study_Hall#Meetings instead of separate links?
I would suggest instead adding them as variants of HWC, or perhaps they deserve their own calendar table
Yeah I'd been putting them there since they were categorized as popups at least initially
HWC works
Have a preferred emoji, [Joe_Crawford]?
the pop-ups I can better understand in the IndieWebCamps table since pop-ups are essentially supposed to be like an IndieWeb Camp topic-specific breakout session
whereas the FrESHes are more of like meetups with broader topic areas for discussion and thus feel closer in substance to a variant of HWCs
I do think FrESHes are worthy of consideration for their own summary table Template: like that though — they're now consistent enough and there's enough of them that a table of them alone would look good IMO
also fits into the pattern of having things in threes: HWCs, FrESHes, IWC/IWS
I have not considered iconography for FrESH beyond the logotype. I went with rough architectural sketch as the background imagery. Maybe a ruler or t-square. Or the art palette. Or maybe the composition notebook but that Immediately seems better suited to writing.
WDYT [Joe_Crawford] — do you have a pref either way? Can you imagine others running a FrESH in a different timezone? Etc.
📏 📐
what is 📐
📐🖌 Design is a term that broadly encompasses graphics & other aspects of isual design such as typography, user interface (UI), user experience (UX), information architecture (IA), URL design, and everything else that affects how users experience a web site & its pages and interact with them https://indieweb.org/%F0%9F%93%90
I can totally see someone else running one
what is 📏
It looks like we don't have a page for "📏" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "📏 is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is a 📓
📓 A draft in the context of the indieweb refers to a draft post, a post that an author has partially written, or otherwise does not consider finished https://indieweb.org/%F0%9F%93%93
May not need an icon if its in its own table
Though could be nice for the wiki page itself
what is 🎨
It looks like we don't have a page for "🎨" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "🎨 is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what are banner images
🖼 A banner image is a wide image (AKA header image or hero image), typically in an aspect ratio of 2:1 to 4:1, displayed as a backdrop at the top of a profile page or post permalink https://indieweb.org/banner_images
[Joe_Crawford] hero/banner image that's looking for a page to use it! https://indieweb.org/File:the-web-is-your-canvas.png
ooh nice
take your pick. we can use our banner/hero images on multiple pages / purposes if we like
or you can ask [chrisaldrich] to make a new one in the theme you're looking for, perhaps variants of existing hero/banner images
what is 🎨
It looks like we don't have a page for "🎨" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "🎨 is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Oops I see gRegor already asked
yeah that's a good emoji! 🎨++
hah, can't karma emoji apparently
aw, no emoji karma
gives Loqi 🎨
what is fresh
Front End Study Hall is an HTML and CSS focused IndieWeb popup meeting focused on markup, styling, design, layout, and accessibility in a loose format where participants come to learn and teach https://indieweb.org/FrESH
Palette did come to mind for me. And those banners are nice ones. I do like a roughness for fresh to denote the learning and give and take
created /🎨 (+34) "r"
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what is 🎨
🎨 Front End Study Hall is an HTML and CSS focused IndieWeb popup meeting focused on markup, styling, design, layout, and accessibility in a loose format where participants come to learn and teach https://indieweb.org/%F0%9F%8E%A8
[Joe_Crawford] https://indieweb.org/File:which-brush.png feels a bit more inspiring and positive (and prettier with the depth of field / boqet) to me than https://indieweb.org/File:the-web-is-your-canvas.png but up to you! Do you have a preference?
Which to you resonates better with or implies the values of FrESH?
May I stew on this a bit? I may take that image as a starting point and augment.
I do like both
is not letting all these art supply pictures trigger my former-art-supply-store-owner PTSD
Oh no! No way to lean into positive memories jimwins?
I'm fine, actually, just thought it was funny.
At least I think it's not the supplies that would trigger any trauma.
[Joe_Crawford] awesome! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
any other thoughts on how this should work? https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieNews/issues/58
[preview] [aaronpk] #58 Create admin UI to remove posts