#meta 2024-07-07

2024-07-07 UTC
jjuran_, vikanezrimaya_, cali-iwc, [jeremycherfas], Harry, nertzy and sp1ff joined the channel
edited /local_comments (+1038) "just my 2 bits"
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to2ds, barnaby, BigShip, barnabywalters and sp1ff joined the channel
edited /curly_quotes (+700) "Examples -> IndieWeb Examples, How to type (on MacOS), add self to IndieWeb Examples"
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barnabywalters, [asuh] and barnaby joined the channel
edited /curly_quotes (+126) "add gRegor to IndieWeb examples, remove bookmarklets from Brainstorming since they are now a real thing!"
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to2ds and [Joe_Crawford] joined the channel