#meta 2024-07-28

2024-07-28 UTC
edited /User:Catgirlin.space/kitty (-423) "remove albums (removed with sqlite migration, may come back?)"
(view diff)
noticed that the [88x31 wiki page](https://indieweb.org/88x31#See_Also) says there's no wikipedia article, but there does seem to be one? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_badge (the indieweb wiki page mentions the phenomenon though, and there's nothing about that on the wikipedia article...)
[edit] noticed that the [88x31 wiki page](https://indieweb.org/88x31#See_Also) says there's no wikipedia article, but there does seem to be one? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_badge (the indieweb wiki page mentions the phenomenon though, and there's nothing about that on the wikipedia article...)
gRegor and Tiffany joined the channel