#meta 2024-08-13

2024-08-13 UTC
guest50 and AramZS joined the channel
[tantek], IWSlackGateway, barnabywalters, sonic and [schmarty] joined the channel
edited /navigation (+363) "rename types of nav by name rather than level, move IndieMarks levels to its own section lower down in brainstorming"
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edited /sequential_navigation (+14) "update redirect"
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edited /link_prefetching (+703) "stub why, how to, IndieWeb Examples sections, in-line links to more docs on MDN"
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created /User:Fab@redterminal.org (+506) "My initial user page"
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how did they get an @ in their wiki login??
[buddygoodboyes] joined the channel
edited /link_prefetching (+143) "implemented rel-prefetch on my prev/next links for posts and days"
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aaronpk, looks like there may be a bug in wiki IndieAuth handling if people auth with an email address as their rel=me with a one time link / code
they have a rel=me to that email address on their home page (same domain) so perhaps IndieLogin is returning that as their "me" identity instead of just returning their home page?
maybe a problem introduced with the wiki update?
oh wow, it's a bug? in indielogin.com
if you enter an email address in indielogin.com, it will prepend https:// to it, but that is still a valid URL
https://aaron@parecki.com is a valid URL, aaron@ is the username part. so it goes and fetches the site passing in the "aaron" username and no password (http basic auth)
and then it's prioritizing what the user entered, so it returns the url "https://aaron@parecki.com" to the wiki
if I look through the logs, there's actually a bunch of people who are entering email addresses, but this is the first one that has resolved to an email address after logging in
that's great! i mean it might be terrible, but it is interesting!
not really, it results in URLs with bad UX
might want to ban http basic auth from IndieAuth sign-in URLs
Discord's auto linker is behaving strangely on that URL aaronpk.
I have to hover my cursor over to see the aaron@ part.
[mattl] joined the channel
i can imagine lol
[KevinMarks] and [snarfed] joined the channel
I have removed http basic auth auto-linking from cassis, deliberately.
I don't want to incentivize people publishing those URLs, if anything I want to disincentivize it
for anyone going to XOXO 2024, jump into the #indieweb channel on XOXO Slack, we'll hopefully try to organize an IndieWeb meetup during Fri Social, https://xoxofest.com/2024/schedule/social/
Ezri joined the channel
[snarfed]++ awesome!
[snarfed] has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (100 in all channels)
does this mean there is no IWC scheduled?
I have stickers/buttons/etc that I need to coordinate to give someone if there is
I'm not authoritative, but yeah sounds like probably no IWC
ramsey, _DJ_[dj_je][d], _sisoma_new[d], sisoma_new[d], DJ_[dj_je][d] and Maplesyrup joined the channel