[tantek], IWSlackGateway, barnabywalters, sonic and [schmarty] joined the channel
#tantek.comedited /navigation (+363) "rename types of nav by name rather than level, move IndieMarks levels to its own section lower down in brainstorming" (view diff)
#[tantek]aaronpk, looks like there may be a bug in wiki IndieAuth handling if people auth with an email address as their rel=me with a one time link / code
#[tantek]they have a rel=me to that email address on their home page (same domain) so perhaps IndieLogin is returning that as their "me" identity instead of just returning their home page?
#[tantek]maybe a problem introduced with the wiki update?
#aaronpkif you enter an email address in indielogin.com, it will prepend https:// to it, but that is still a valid URL
#aaronpkhttps://aaron@parecki.com is a valid URL, aaron@ is the username part. so it goes and fetches the site passing in the "aaron" username and no password (http basic auth)
#aaronpkand then it's prioritizing what the user entered, so it returns the url "https://aaron@parecki.com" to the wiki
#aaronpkif I look through the logs, there's actually a bunch of people who are entering email addresses, but this is the first one that has resolved to an email address after logging in