#meta 2024-08-20

2024-08-20 UTC
test-mk joined the channel
I have the packet of buttons, stickers, which GWG gave me from IWC San Diego. Bringing it with me to xoxofest. ✈ today.
edited /Planning () "(-595) /* London (Peckham) */ didn't happen, removed"
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edited /Planning (-289) "rm August dates, we're all done with planning for August. move SD above NUR/Summit since SD more likely"
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[Joe_Crawford] love to hear it. Safe travels! I'm doing my best to get a specific venue for IWC Portland and hopefully I'll have an optimistic update by this afternoon.
On another IWC related topic, what would people think of trying to do an IWS at SD this year? It would take a bit more planning and perhaps venue hunting, but given the strong attendance last year, I feel it could be suitable
[KevinMarks] and JadedBlueEyes joined the channel
Tiffany joined the channel
[New Event] snarfed.org created "Aug 23, 2024 11:30am IndieWeb Meetup at XOXO Social 2024" https://events.indieweb.org/okVmgbkaps1w
[Event Updated] snarfed.org updated "Aug 23, 2024 11:30am IndieWeb Meetup at XOXO Social 2024" changed tags https://events.indieweb.org/event/647/history/1801/diff
[snarfed]++ thank you!
[snarfed] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (100 in all channels)
I'm always up for an event
GWG can you be more specific?
[tantek]: An IWC, an IWS, SD.... anything I can try to plan to attend
I like hanging out with everyone and getting excited about my site
[pfefferle] joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: If the stars align again
[develumpen] joined the channel
speaking of IWC DUS, we are going to do IWC PDX in a similar way
at the Grand Stark Study Hall
did we discuss a good start time for IWC PDX?
I'm going to say 08:00 for those of us that want to save tables as it were, like IWC DUS, but discussion sessions starting at 10:00. what do folks think? [snarfed] [schmarty] [KevinMarks] gRegor
That sounds sensible as there is a party the night before
yep, and if folks are up early and want to collectively hack/build, that's a good thing for the morning
though I suppose that means I'm committing to either leave the party early or not get much sleep
gRegor joined the channel
I'm iffy on Sunday, will see how I'm feeling. I might be relaxing or out exploring some of the day, flying out that evening.
gRegor, if we did demos at 4pm would you be able to make it to that before your flight if you wanted to? or is that too late?
[Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Aug 25, 2024 8:00am IndieWebCamp Portland 2024" changed end_date, start_time, end_time, location_name, location_address, status, summary https://events.indieweb.org/event/624/history/1802/diff
[Event Updated] tantek.com updated "Aug 25, 2024 8:00am IndieWebCamp Portland 2024" changed summary https://events.indieweb.org/event/624/history/1803/diff
edited /2024/Portland (-260) "venue confirmed, let's make it work!"
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[davidmead] joined the channel
edited /2024/Portland (+321) "We can use help with"
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