tantek.comedited /Planning (-289) "rm August dates, we're all done with planning for August. move SD above NUR/Summit since SD more likely" (view diff)
[tantek][Joe_Crawford] love to hear it. Safe travels! I'm doing my best to get a specific venue for IWC Portland and hopefully I'll have an optimistic update by this afternoon.
[tantek]On another IWC related topic, what would people think of trying to do an IWS at SD this year? It would take a bit more planning and perhaps venue hunting, but given the strong attendance last year, I feel it could be suitable
[tantek]I'm going to say 08:00 for those of us that want to save tables as it were, like IWC DUS, but discussion sessions starting at 10:00. what do folks think? [snarfed] [schmarty] [KevinMarks] gRegor