[tantek]IWC PDX Demos notes by [schmarty] now archived at https://indieweb.org/2024/Portland/Demos — please take a look if you demo's and feel free to edit your demo description with additional fixes, clarifications, details of what you demonstrated!
[tantek]ok I think https://indieweb.org/2024/Portland is looking reasonably good too — tried a little different event photo + emojicon styling for sections than before, definitely curious what people think of the changes
aaronpk"I'd ensure that the homepage said, before anything else, that if you're renting a domain and hosting a site on that domain, you're already part of the IndieWeb" this is a good point tho
[schmarty]yep! might be time for us to admit the three-path-homepage project has not materialized in a timely fashion and thinking about some simpler updates 😂
aaronpkperhaps we should switch the order of the paragraph at the top, since right now it is "connected by open standards and based on the principles of..."
[schmarty]i'm also thinking about the call to "Experiments should be clearly marked as such. Stuff that no longer works should also be marked, or archived." i don't think these are reasonable asks for a community wiki, but it does have me thinking that my assertion that the wiki is a memory of experiments isn't necessarily reflected on the wiki itself.
[mattl]but... it would be very cool if there was just a little PHP script or whatever you could put on basically *any* hosting and it would give you a little indieweb site that you could edit.
[mattl]My head keeps telling me I should write a nice GUI to a static site generator instead. So you have http://example.com/indieweb.php and it generates your index.html and your now/index.html for you...
jimwYes, I think that's a real void in the space right now. You have fully-dynamic stuff like WP, filesystem-backed static site generators (just run this command-line tool!), and nothing like the original Blogger, which was database-backed but generated a static site.
aaronpkbut every time i start writing out the list of what it should do, it explodes into being basically what i have right now as my website, which is...a lot
aaronpkand since some of the features are non trivial, it usually ends up turning into something that's going to require some external libraries, and maybe a job queue, and then that turns into a massive maintenance project keeping everything up to date and working on whatever N php versions you care about
gRegorThere can be some file permission issues on shared hosting with PHP creating files, too. They usually end up owned by the server "nobody" user, then later you might have issues if you need to manually edit or delete the file.
jimwYeah, and even setting up the permissions so the web server can write somewhere can be an issue, too. You don't really want that space to be somewhere the web server directly serves up the files, but often that's the best you can do and you end up with WP nightmares.
[marksuth]I am slowly making the repo for my site (Laravel based with DB) into a reusable site that can essentially be made with a git clone and composer install. The main thing lacking is any form of docs to cover the quirks
aaronpki like laravel a lot, my main problem with it is you have to plan at least yearly upgrades of _everything_, every library you use with it, and keep up to date with all the internal API changes they do between versions
aaronpkand the more features you add, the more libraries you use, the more chances there are of one of the libraries getting stale and not working with a new version
aaronpk"Laravel 11 introduces a new default application structure with fewer default files. Namely, new Laravel applications contain fewer service providers, middleware, and configuration files." well that sounds nice but omg srsly
[schmarty]I'm making the mistake of rebuilding all the nice Laravel or slim or whatever php framework bits out of phpleague building blocks because they rarely seem to break compatibility 🙈
jimwI've used Slim for some personal projects and only know Laravel and other PHP frameworks by reputation, and I think if I were doing new development for myself I'd probably stay away from them all.
[tantek]also there is nothing "simple" about that chords image. so much expert knowledge assumed. might actually be easier to setup http://micro.blog than understand that image
[0x3b0b]If you even need that, jimw. My site fits comfortably on Oracle Cloud free tier. Some people who prefer to self-host would certainly prefer a cheap vps over a free tier on one of the giants, of course.
LoqiWeb hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/web_hosting
[0x3b0b]I think I finally canceled my CloudAtCost hosting about a year ago because I wasn't using it. I bought it on sale for $42 in 2016 and paid $9 a year for it six times, so I guess it ended up being about $1.14 a month for the time I had it.
LoqiGreen Computing is practice of using computers and their resources in environmentally responsible way. Community members may try to use renewable energy, recycled computers, owning rather than streaming media, and creating websites with smaller page loads https://indieweb.org/green
[tantek]I have a few of Molly White with her slides, also Erin Kissane, and Darius K., the latter two I think with the caption screen which captured some good indieweb-relevant text
[tantek]specifically looking for photos at XOXO "in general" beyond the IndieWeb / fedi / Masto related meetups/lunches which we already had specific events (and photos!) for
gRegorClosest I have is the slide of the Google sign with Spirit Halloween banner being pulled over it. Didn't come out great since shot of the screen in the tent, but funny.
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2024-08-30.html
tantek.comedited /Drupal (+103) "move page content of Open Web Manifesto to See Also here, no obvious IndieWeb relevance to merit its own page" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /content_management_system (+425) "move content of Open Website Alliance page content here as its closest in relevance, and didn't seem to have its own direct indieweb relevance to merit its own page" (view diff)