2024-10-03 UTC
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# 02:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 15:29 [tantek] thanks capjamesg[d]! yes you took a second photo with 9 of us 🙂
AramZS joined the channel
# 16:43 [Joe_Crawford] Wasn't there a HWC Eastern scheduled for today? Or am I misremembering?
# 16:44 [Joe_Crawford] Is that a definitive "no" answer?
# 16:46 [tantek] and the two HWC Eastern listed in Past Events wer both on a Wednesday
# 16:48 [Joe_Crawford] In my memory there was an upcoming Eastern event yesterday. Today I see none, and nothing recent on the Past Events page. My memory must therefore be faulty.
# 16:50 [Joe_Crawford] I also have it in my calendar software. My memory is therefore not faulty. So yes, [schmarty], a Thursday! 😄
# 16:52 [Joe_Crawford] Curious to know what happened. Event deletions and edits I thought showed up in meta or stream or maybe events channel.
# 16:54 [mattl] I messed up and deleted it once I realized I made a mistake
# 17:01 [Joe_Crawford] Good to know!
# 17:03 [Joe_Crawford] I do think a delete ought to show up as a chat message somewhere. To whom can I make this suggestion?
# 17:03 [Joe_Crawford] And it's perhaps not great that the event seems to linger in calendar software.
jimw joined the channel
# 17:13 [mattl] [Joe_Crawford] agreed. I think that's aaronpk's area?
# 17:18 [Joe_Crawford] [aaronpk] there was an event scheduled for today - HWC Eastern - it was deleted but it a) lingers in calendars which subscribe (me and James) and b) I think like event creation sends an IRC message, I think a delete ought to send an IRC message.
# 17:20 [tantek] haunting capjamesg[d] and [Joe_Crawford]’s calendars 😂
# 17:26 [tantek] keeps reloading yesterday's HWC Europe event hoping for an updated photo 🥹
# 17:30 aaronpk if you want to cancel an event there is a cancelled status which will set the cancelled property in the ICS feed. If you just straight up delete an event, it is removed from the ICS feed, and I can't control what calendar apps do with that
# 17:33 [Joe_Crawford] Thanks [aaronpk]++
# 17:33 Loqi [aaronpk] has 40 karma in this channel over the last year (124 in all channels)
# 17:36 [tantek] it's very similar to the deleted Atom/RSS feed item problem and what "feed readers" do with that
# 17:38 [tantek] short answer: deletes don't work with RSS/Atom, it's an unsolved problem from a UX perspective
# 17:41 sknebel I think for Atom there is a tombstone spec, but I have no idea how widely thats supported
# 17:42 sknebel aaronpk: maybe deleting an event should prompt and ask to consider cancelling/moving instead?
# 17:59 aaronpk Yeah probably worth prompting to mark as cancelled instead
# 18:19 [tantek] cajpamesg[d]++ thanks! I've removed the earlier photo (so only the larger photo shows up in the newsletter)
# 18:19 Loqi cajpamesg[d] has 1 karma over the last year
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