[tantek]2There's been just enough questions about wanting to see indieweb sites that I am wondering rather than a directory (which takes multiple clicks) if a "random site on the IndieWebRing" would work
[tantek]2I'm dropping the podcasts link because the stuff on the page is not "recent" any more (many of the examples have their most recent episode years ago)
tantek.comedited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (-31) "re-organize into Explore then Join, drop podcasts (links there are years since an ep), add IndieWeb ring random site" (view diff)
[tantek]2either way, feedback welcome whether this makes more/less sense than before, or if link could better re-ordered within a section, or clearer microcopy etc.
tantek.comedited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+0) "bump principles to the top, good way for someone to quick check to see if that resonates "why" etc." (view diff)
[tantek]2This "feels" better overall (more welcoming to explorers?) but also feels like it could be tweaked further, like not quite sure of all the orders of all the things in each section. Would appreciate any suggestions