#microformats 2011-02-23

2011-02-23 UTC
tantek, aaronpk, kennyluck, milk, tobyink, krijnh and ChiefRA joined the channel
edited /value-class-pattern-ja (+556) "sync: english: 2011-02-22T05:24:46"
(view diff)
edited /value-class-pattern-ja (+3) "unified the translation of 'parse'"
(view diff)
hi guys, any of you know why the unofficial hCard Validator is not working? (http://hcard.geekhood.net/)
csarven, iwaim, Phae, milk, Soopaman, hober, jrodgers, iwaim__, mkaply, tantek and kennyluck joined the channel
Phae, csarven, ChiefRA, Amorphous, pawlik, ChanServ, iwaim____, mkaply_, kennyluck_, tantek and Soopaman joined the channel