#microformats 2011-03-04

2011-03-04 UTC
Firass-z0r, tantek, tantek_, milk, iwaim____, termie and voxpelli joined the channel
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+91) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
(view diff)
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+44) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
(view diff)
adactio and csarven joined the channel
_aaronpk, Promethet, tantek, singpolyma, Soopaman, tobyink1, termie, tobyink, iwaim___, ChiefRA and ethanthinson joined the channel
hi all
ehinson, ChiefRA, singpolyma, Soopaman, iwaim___, tobyink, termie, tantek, Prometheus, _aaronpk, iwaim____, Firass-z0r, pawlik, Phae_, jkridner, hober, ChanServ, krijnh, Hixie, JohnBeales, milk_, csarven and Amorphous joined the channel