#microformats 2011-03-06

2011-03-06 UTC
tobyink1 joined the channel
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+120) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
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gp5st joined the channel
howdy! I'm not sure if this is the place, but, is there a standard way to encode my rsa pub key id and key fingerprint in a vcard?
my key is too long to fit in a qr code
tobyink, gp5st and comkee joined the channel
edited /hresume-examples-in-wild (+122) "[http://www.memero.org/ Tommaso Romito] and has marked up his [http://job.memero.org/ Resume] with hResume, HTML5 and CSS3."
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csarven, kennyluck, Atamido and Amorphous joined the channel