#microformats 2011-06-28

2011-06-28 UTC
mkaply, tantek, nonge_, scor, singpolyma, quiron, hadleybeeman, csarven and Amorphous joined the channel
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+101) "added formundcode.de"
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danbri, Askarii, pere, scor, voxpelli, ChiefRA and tlr joined the channel
hmm what conference?
ChiefRA, hadleybeeman, mkaply and scor joined the channel
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+119) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
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tlr and chiui joined the channel
edited /existing-rel-values (+512) "/* HTML5 link type extensions */"
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edited /existing-rel-values (+44) "/* HTML5 link type extensions */"
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ChiefRA joined the channel
Question: you define an organization through microformats. You can define which langs are spoken in it, but how can you tag it's coverage area through the same microformats? :) please do answer as I'll be reading it even later on. Thank you :)
edited /existing-rel-values (-399) "/* HTML5 link type extensions */"
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ChiefRA - not sure how you can define which langs are spoken in an organization - could you provide a URL to web page that describes and organization and what languages are spoken in it? And then also a similar example that shows the "coverage area"?
hadleybeeman joined the channel
edited /existing-rel-values (+148) "removed HTML5 registration of rel-self because no defining spec was provided, added to definition of rel-self in the non HTML rel values section using description from Atom, edited HTML5 instructions"
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voxpelli, comkee and PsyWren joined the channel
neophiliac: I'm a cloud7, but considering a move over there.
Ha! Wrong channel!
sandbags and scor joined the channel