#microformats 2011-07-14
2011-07-14 UTC
KevinMarks, mkaply, stereoket_, stereoket, krijnh, scor, tantek, nonge__, danbri, quiron, voxpelli, csarven, Amorphous, adactio, Askarii, aux, tlr, singpolyma, ericduran and adactio_ joined the channel
hober tantek & others: http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=13240
singpolyma hober: I don't know how the community feels, but I've been using <time> in hAtom for some time now

tantek it's also been implemented in X2V and is running in the development version of H2VX: http://dev.h2vx.com/

singpolyma cool

singpolyma ofc, with his proposal to go to <data> I think it makes more sense to add a new global attribute

singpolyma tantek: I don't publish a lot of hCal, but I'll keep it in mind.

krijnh joined the channel
tantek This is the URL for H2VX support of HTML5: http://microformats.org/wiki/h2vx#HTML5_support

krijnh hober: I know, IP changed, will be back soon
singpolyma I love from the h2vx wiki there: "I'm a crazy XML person and my markup is 100% well formed XML, please don't tidy, please break and fail to process if it's not well formed"

tantek Brian Suda and I added the support for <time> (as well as other new HTML5 elements) to X2V and then deployed it in http://dev.h2vx.com/ last year (2010-09-02) for anyone to try testing out - we figured we would give it some time there before flipping the switch and deploying it to the primary use URL at http://h2vx.com/ cc: hsivonen hixie

singpolyma we need an h2vx for hAtom

singpolyma tantek: no :(

singpolyma is not an xslt wizard

singpolyma I should try writing something

singpolyma adds that to giant heap of things I should do

tantek well if you have any kind of PHP-friendly code to convert hAtom to Atom, let me know (as in add it to http://microformats.org/wiki/h2vx#feedback ) and we can see about supporting a /atom path on h2vx.com

singpolyma hmm... php, eh? I could do it in PHP

krijnh hober: it disconnected a lot the last couple of days, hopefully it stays connected now
singpolyma right

krijnh hober: but if you send me your own log, I'll add it
ericduran joined the channel
krijnh Logs, or just a copy of what you've just said :)
singpolyma I only log when I'm away, and things with my nick in them :)

krijnh tantek: not if my connection drops :)
krijnh We switched from adsl to fibre stuff, but had some problems with that
singpolyma tantek: example?

singpolyma <time> seems very overly specific, like the img/video/audio debacle

singpolyma right. already that's showing a tendency towards tag proliferation. which Is why I would support a global attr

singpolyma lest we end up with a billion tags

tantek <time> matches the use cases that have been demonstrated for dates and times, modulo the requested additions to it of course (which I still think are a good idea in general) http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Time_element

singpolyma fine, leave out the last statement then

singpolyma possibly

singpolyma I just see this as similar to the img/audio/video vs object problem

tantek duration can be solved by extending the existing time element to handle ISO8601 duration syntax: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations

singpolyma yes

singpolyma I certainly wouldn't oppose keeping <time>, because there's no precendent

singpolyma but I have no problem with generalising either

singpolyma well, time should support all of ISO8601 if that's the standard it's going to be based on, no?

singpolyma not even for compatability?

singpolyma yeah

singpolyma agree

singpolyma ISO8601 wasn't really designed as a whole for standard humans

singpolyma though bits of it (YYYY-MM-DD) standard humans can use

singpolyma somewhat

singpolyma currently works at google where everything is binary

singpolyma sure

tantek also the time interval / repeating interval syntax is horrible: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/ISO_8601#Time_intervals

singpolyma number of bytes also used to be a big deal. still is in contexts the valley doesn't care about :)

tantek please feel free to add your +1 in support if you think it's a good idea to the discussion section: http://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Time_element#duration_discussion cc: hober, singpolyma, KevinMarks, manu`

lmorchard and krijnh joined the channel
Hixie tantek: microformats input on http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=13240 would be helpful on that topic
tantek created /rel-enclosure-brainstorming (+731) "drafted with download attribute suggestion" (view diff)
tlr joined the channel
singpolyma <@tantek> Brian Suda and I added the support for <time> (as well as other new HTML5 elements) to X2V and then deployed it in http://dev.h2vx.com/ last year (2010-09-02) for anyone to try testing out - we figured we would give it some time there before flipping the switch and deploying it to the primary use URL at http://h2vx.com/ cc: hsivonen hixie

singpolyma woah... clipboard fail

pnhChris and stereoket joined the channel
abki_ joined the channel
singpolyma hober: saw that. Haven't looked into it enough yet to find out if it can be used without JS

tantek and Askarii joined the channel