#microformats 2011-09-02

2011-09-02 UTC
[http://twitter.com/themeineisluv] @chipsahoysix CAN U OMFG KARA I WOULD FANGRIL SSO HCARD U DONT HVAR T OTHOGUH OK
jamesarosen and nonge joined the channel
jamesarosen joined the channel
krijnh and nonge_ joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/Kazanjy] @andrewparker distributed classifieds powered by microformats, right? Simplyhired / indeed of classifieds?
nonge__ and jamesarosen joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/nopiedra] Sig.ma Enterprise Edition: http://t.co/DizwA3W | #semanticweb #linkeddata #rdf #rdfa #microdata #microformat #sindice (via @applied_sem_web)
[http://twitter.com/PetraGregorova] ☑ plaid green shirt
[http://twitter.com/stanton] HTML, CSS, jQuery, PHP, MySQL, REGEX, Microformats… All for one little function. I love being a generalist. #fb
voxpelli joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/oneeyedman] en serio? un día que me lio con los microformatos y se ha caido microformats.org grrr
[http://twitter.com/oneeyedman] Ole, ole y ole! me pilla el hcard y la "photo"
tlr, andr3 and quiron joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/videeco] Oggi dedica la giornata allo studio e alla ricerca del microformat!
andr3, csarven, tantek, quiron and Askarii joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/neogeografen] @bjerreandersen korrekt - men du kan bruge mine polygoner =kommuner farvevisualiseret - de er udgivet CC http://t.co/YkEMwGe -
aaronpk, mwunsch, tantek and kennyluck joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/grandpashoes] @collarstays ha, sucks… Though the "high risk" bit might convince some it's a blessing. Also, might wanna peep this: http://t.co/MnQg2s9
Askarii joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/airspaceinter] Social Media Resource of the Day: Template - Google Rich Snippets: A piece of microformats and RDFa which Google loo... http://t.co/jfTTVtZ
tantek, andr3, ivc, Soopaman and win32killer joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/kriszti203] @Hoshi_chaan @lya2252 hátöm.... najó Å‘ket is akarom >__< ♥
tantek_ and hober joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/Tuyet_Van_Julie] Social Media Resource of the Day: Template - Google Rich Snippets: A piece of microformats and RDFa which Google loo... http://t.co/waSfW4v
mwunsch_, mwunsch, tantek, hober, patcito and jamesarosen joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/Jacattell] @pigsonthewing Have you worked on microformats for webpages? Did they inc calendar entries? If so, can you bundle several related entries?
Loqi joined the channel
[http://twitter.com/szarka] Need some help w/ hCard: can I include information within the HTML element itself? e.g. <span class="org" title="Foobar, Inc."></span>?
Askarii, Soopaman and tlr joined the channel
tantek and tantek_ joined the channel
tlr, Morphous and nonge joined the channel