#Loqi[http://twitter.com/leadingsource] @RaleighPicks Have you ever heard of the hCard Program? It is getting ready to launch in Raleigh and will have daily coupon deals. TBC
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/leadingsource] @RaleighDaily The hCard Program is going to launch in a couple of weeks. Local business, schools, people & non-profits working together!
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/voxpelli] @dalmaer @joehewitt The microformats process is a good one - first build, then find similarities in the built stuff and then adjust to them
#tantekedited /microformats-2 (+469) "JSON output: prefixes are merely identifying/parsing directives and thus unnecessary in the JSON, also need type obv, and everything is syntactically plural (not singular)" (view diff)
#tantekedited /microformats-2-prefixes (+789) "e-* is in thanks to Ben Ward making good cases for both maintaining hAtom entry-content fidelity, and enabling markup fidelity pass-thru in general." (view diff)
#phaeedited /process (+1033) "/* related issues questions regarding document stages */ added some further thoughts on standard reversal" (view diff)
#Phaeyou'd have thought i'd have learnt my lesson about that by now.
#tantekPhae, part of the thinking with explicitly regressing unproductive or ignored drafts or specs is to avoid the problem the W3C has with stagnant / abandoned Recommendations, Working Drafts etc - people confusedly think they're real even though they're not in practice.
#tantekthus when things are implicitly ignored/abandoned, it behooves us to communicate that explicitly
#PhaeI agree. I guess I was partly querying how clearly we ought to distinguish between rubbish drafts and useful ones without enough folk putting in effort on them (although lack of the latter tends to indicate the former)
#tantekwe aren't being negative per se, we're merely communicating a negative fact explicitly
#tantekwe should err on the side of clarity rather than politeness for technical specs I think - it's not like the specs have feelings (though their authors might)
#Phaei do agree. archive is just a funny word. archive doesn't feel that explicit either way. i think that's what i was getting at.
#Phaei'd rather people who wanted to work on something saw 5 really active things and not a lot else, than a jumble of dozens. might mean those 5 get worked through faster.
#Phaei know you've been following slightloff/brendan etcs debates on w3c. i think we can take point on needing to focus too.
#tantekas a result of me learning spec-writing there ;)
#tantekand taking it as the "way" to write specs, until I got lots of direct feedback from developers / designers complaining etc., got better at writing, etc. etc.
#tantekwe held an open microformats meetup last night (er, still tonight by my wakefulness) to openly collect issues, feedback, suggestions, goals etc.
#tantekthe key is this: microformats still has the vast majority of momentum, and microformats has an active diverse broad community - something neither microdata, nor schema, nor even RDFa has.
#tantekso it's up to us to be the graceful established players here, and be open to incorporating other work as brainstorms towards potential microformats
#tantekobviously we're not going to be simply rubber-stamping everything
#tantekand since microformats 2 addresses the lack of simple extensibility issue that the microdata/schema folks raised, I'll be looking for any holes.
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/praktikumlab] what a fitting topic for a microclass! on microformats @jazzvox on microformats and more 16.30 #smwberlinpraktikumlab
milk joined the channel
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/richardbaxter] @bill_slawski the irony being rel="*" is a microformat, though the search engines are pushing schema! bit of a disconnect...
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/richardbaxter] @bill_slawski almost everything Google has done with microformats since rel="nofollow" has upset the microformats community
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/victorporof] Hey @google, if you find a hcard in a webpage, or <address>, why don't you show relevant information about this stuff in search?
#tantekmicroformats was described as "first, simple, rigid"
lmorchard joined the channel
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/kevinmarks] tags for #microformats from NY guy 'first, simple ,rigid' o_O never been called rigid before, is that good? #schemaorg
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/t] #schemaorg syntax session: @benadida acknowledges #RDFa rel=license was based on @microformats rel-license. #history (ttk.me/t4Dy8)
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/kevinmarks] #schemaorg @danbri: microformats 2 is in a similar direction to RDF and microdata: Attribute-Value pairs grouped into packets
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/richardtvaughan] @bill_slawski <abbr> are good for marking up microformats on pages where they are tricky to implement without hiding content.
t1c1, csarven, tantek and madzak joined the channel
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/meyerweb] Bonus points for an invitation service that generates invite pages with useful hCalendar (and optionally hCard, hGeo, et cetera).
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/t] possible positive take: treat each #schemaorg 'type' as a proposal for @microformats brainstorming and add to the wiki (ttk.me/t4DyA)
t1c1 and andr3 joined the channel
#KevinMarkspmika keeps using the word "simple" I don't think it means what he thinks it means
#Phaeso, i've taken all of the commentary as entirely disheartening. meh.
#hoberhow enthusiastic are the people present at the schema workshop WRT joining the new html data tf?
#tantekis already subscribed to public-vocabs@w3.org since the SemTech BOF blow-up
jwalling and c2c joined the channel
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/t] just volunteered the @microformats wiki for collecting research and brainstorms for #schemaorg and formats in general. (ttk.me/t4DyC)
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/t] sad that #schemaorg has now *fragmented* Person/Organization vocabs when vCard/hCard/PoCo etc. have broad convergence. (ttk.me/t4DyD)
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/t] update: sad #schemaorg fragments Person vocab when vCard/hCard/PoCo/OGP/OpenSocial has broad convergence (@kevinmarks) (ttk.me/t4DyE)
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/jasoneccles] @Malarkey microformats or schema.org? - doesn't it make sense to move to schema.org as both google & bing say that's their preference.
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/t] says @malarkey: "Adding Microformats to the new http://iso.org design." Yes, *that* ISO. cc: #schemaorg, @microformats (ttk.me/t4DyF)
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/Malarkey] @t So far we have hCard, hCalendar and hAtom in #iso. I’d love it if you’d take a look at the designs.
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/jasoneccles] @microformats @Malarkey Is it just me then or does it feel like #schemaorg and some open graph markups didn't really need to be created?