#tantekedited /microformats-2 (+1417) "start drafting explicit lists of v2 vocabularies with h-card partial property list and respective compat properties" (view diff)
kennyluck joined the channel
#tantekedited /microformats-2 (+78) "/* Summary */ add "properties" to group properties to JSON equivalents, similar to microdata JSON data model" (view diff)
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/bigskinnyboy] Sometimes I go to add hcard microformats but change my mind because I know the client will fuck it up as it's editable.
#tantekbenward, I just ran some tests and it looks like it *is* possible to have a mix of strings and objects in a JS array.
#tantekso I'm thinking it's better to keep the simple property case (something that turns into a string) quite simple (without needing ".value" to access it)
#tantekand thus consider using the array of values to also store the dual string+object versions of a property value
#tantekthe simplest case is a property has one value, which is then easy, you just get [0] and you know it's a string
#tantekif/when iterating through the values array of a property, if you see an object (typeof x === "object"), then treat it as a structured version of the previous string value, rather than another value.
#tantekand if you don't care about structured property values, then you can skip all the objects and just use the strings
#tantekbenward - continued - ah I remembered that I'd figured out how to put both string value and object types+properties into the same object, so amended:
#tantekthe array of values for a property has either a string or an object for each value
#tantekif/when iterating through the values array of a property, if you see an object (typeof x === "object"), then treat it as value that has *both* a string value in its .value, and is an object of .types with .properties.
#tantekI don't know if any search engine has started on microformats 2 support yet - however we did discuss microformats 2 at the recent schema.org workshop with many representatives from Google, Bing, Yahoo, and a few others (Yondex, Baidu) as well.
#tantekbtw the Google Rich Snippets Tool is not really a standalone parser that you can programmatically use - it's more of a validator for testing purposes.
#tantekedited /validators (+160) "more details for Google Rich Snippets tool, put after Optimus since it checks fewer microformats and properties than Optimus" (view diff)
#tantekChiefRA - made a few tweaks there too - take a look and let me know what you think!
#tantekedited /validators (+44) "/* Google Rich Snippets Testing Tool */ also tests rel-author and rel-me indirectly" (view diff)
#tantekbenward - when you get back - I believe I've documented a fairly sufficient example of how nested microformats 2 microformats are both expressed in markup and parsed into JSON.
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/internuts] @laurakalbag The speaker portraits are stellar, the subtle opacity via rgba is ace and i LOVE the use of microformats on speakers/schedule.
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/AsadCrossing] Working on some ideas to evolve @microformats for the #socialweb. Would love to talk if you have similar interests. #microformats