ChiefRAhi tantek, please have a look at on HP-9 and HP-10 problems. tobyink also provided his point of view on HP-9. Guys, please feel free to comment on them.
ChiefRAtantek, I do please you to think about one more particular aspect for Real Estate: Google "imposed" the use of a new parameter called "availability".. which for homes doesn't fit. However, if you don;t use it, Google won't show you rich snippes based on that particular hProduct.
tantekby capturing documentation about the specifics of what Google supports, and how it extends hProduct, we can then better inform iterating on hProduct itself
ChiefRAplease when you finish re-arranging hProduct part, place the proper links here with a short description so for me to know which is which. thanks.
tantekedited /hproduct-examples-in-wild () "(-6132) reorganize/update per hCard examples in wild, moved research on existing examples to product-examples, moved sample coded example to product-brainstorming" (view diff)
tantekedited /hproduct-examples-in-wild (+212) "note separate section for older product examples which may or may not have hProduct (first one did, so leaving the rest there for evaluation), also, moving an implementation to implementations section" (view diff)
tantekedited /hproduct (+172) "/* Implementations */ moved Karniyarik here from hproduct-examples-in-wild as it claims to be an experimental search engine - needs verification" (view diff)
tantekedited /microformats-2 (+1514) "/* v2 vocabularies */ add note about all v2 vocabularies being flat lists, and usable for microdata items or RDFa, without property parsing prefixes. also, new profile URLs, notes, to-do" (view diff)