Loqi[http://twitter.com/SlexAxton] I spoke too soon: Google parser has conflicts in Aggregate Ratings between RDFa and the hReview microformat. Seems like a bug, but whatevz.
ChiefRAtantek I've read your post about the meeting, is there anywhere a summary of the meeting? (as the topics you posted doesn't say much of the discussions themselves :P)
tantekbut in general yes the topics listed were discussed - many of which were explanatory / introductory discussions in nature - that tends to happen often
tantekeven though current microformats markup is lighter-weight than both RDFa and microdata, I think we can make microformats *even lighter* (less "bloat" as some have noted)
tantekand once I removed the extra whitespace which was somehow messing up MediaWiki - our event page from last night has a proper hCard, and Foursquare's hCard tester sees it and matches it to their page for the venue! https://foursquare.com/v/the-summit/4c08a97aa1b32d7fbf6c96f0