#Cat4Di just wanted a standard to include both islamic and western CE date forms in the citation structure
#tantekinteresting. do you know of real world examples on the web of people publishing such content/citation examples?
#Cat4Dthey cant even get that right, but worse, is the islamic council unfortionately doesnt comprehend structured contexts, which upset me because those groups are usually ahead on these topics
#tantekthat would help with coming up with a practical design.
#Cat4Did live to find more, but citations have no searchable reference ... aka none say "CITATION:"
#Cat4Dso unless its a known type definition or syntax, or pattern match... but that defeats the exploratory purpose
#Cat4Di also need some parallel between transcripts and sections of video content,
#mkowensIt says that it uses "semantic web data" (not sure what forms, as I haven't had time to fully digest it) to allow users to browse data from websites easier.
#tantekdo their docs mention any microformats anywhere?
#mkowensAgain: I haven't had time to fully digest it. I just thought the premise and visualization was interesting and that people in here might be interested to see it, too.
#tantek(not a good sign for something titled "Tech specs")
#mkowensAgreed. Looking at it some of their FAQs and such, it seems to make reference to things that are covered by microformats, which was one of the reasons I posted it here.
#tantektry contacting them (if they have a way) and asking them specifically for microformats support
#tantekfrom that data point, they don't seem to understand/appreciate "semantic web data".
#tantekmkowens, feel free to ask them / investigate further, but on first glance, I'm ready to dismiss them as being uninteresting.
#tantek(there are many apps/sites that rip-off wikipedia content in order to market/sell something but typically end up providing a *worse* version of the content)
#tanteknevermind that my wp page is horribly out of date :/
#mkowensI don't disagree that the intent and usage might be bad. I just was intending to show that there seems to be an interest in some form of "semantic web data viewer" not imply that Silk was a good thing. Just something that might be interesting.
#tantekmaybe I'm just jaded by seeing too many marketingy claims of "semantic web data" that turn out to be crap.
delphianQ_ joined the channel
#tantekand copying/republishing wikipedia tends to be a spammer pattern - hence another source of suspicioun
#tantekmkowens - my bar for "might be interesting" with respect to microformats is at least a service/app that claims *something* about microformats in particular, either by name in general "supports microformats" or support for specific microformats like mentioning hCard, hCalendar.
#Loqi[http://twitter.com/JamesGurd] @graemed yes - it's saying missing hcard for author but I'm using a Wordpress plug-in which I know others have used.
danbri_, Rasifiel, danbri, danbri__, tantek and Cat4D joined the channel
#Cat4Dwhere is a list of binary representations of primitive types?
#tantekCat4D - microformats deal with text publishing on the web, not any binary representations.