#microformats 2012-08-26

2012-08-26 UTC
romainneutron, tantek, tantek_ and nonge_ joined the channel
created /Update_New_Members_Added_to_Fantasy_Algonquin_Round_ample_6_tent_order_lightspeed_Table_Draft_cc (+1849) "New page: [[Image:ample_6_tent_order_lightspeed_5493.jpg|thumb|]] It is actually going to be long for those Black players. Let us all try to bring both warring hockey factions together. My 10 point..."
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tobyink joined the channel
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:EarlGaston6]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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tantek, nonge, billyoc, tobyink, romainneutron, NimeshNeema and teleject joined the channel