#microformats 2012-11-22

2012-11-22 UTC
created /5_Answer_Sulpicia_Tercepat_dan_Terbenar_congratsss_ma_cercacasa.it_honey_heart (+1169) "New page: [[Image:cercacasa.it_897.jpg|thumb|]] Aproveita que a desculpa pra ser vadia é dizer "É CARNAVAL" ta liberado, pode sair dando. kkkk! pqp Behind the cold exterior of an Aquarius woman i..."
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encolpe joined the channel
created /Friday_Night_is_Steak_Night_Christian_Debt_Reduction_Come_in_and_earn_your_90_points_before_Friday_and_you_will_get_the_best_steak_in (+2073) "New page: [[Image:Christian_Debt_Reduction_3851.jpg|thumb|]] Debt reduction reduces the balance of your payoff, while making your future payments alot less as well as lessening the period of time i..."
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robmorrissey and tantek joined the channel
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:TheklaAmes9]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:KathaleentvhtfhjegzMongomery]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Lonettek]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:BerrytejdeayvlfWoodhouse]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:MariannejmgpgzkoynScardino]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:MontauMarino4]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:MillardrklhkqnlbvRings]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:EdmoniaStover]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:YoungWaller8]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:SerenaAnthony]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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deleted /Tripp_Pants "content was spam"
Referencement Google: ADWORDS UTILISE OFFICIELLEMENT LES MICROFORMATS HREVIEW - Seller Rating... http://www.googleadwords.fr/campagne-google-adwords/adwords-utilise-officiellement-les-microformats-hreview/ #referencement
teleject_, kennyluck, tobyink, chiui and bacilla joined the channel
created /Vital_Pieces_Of_Stress_relief (+2970) "Planning ahead to make sure that it is possible for you to to eat nutritious food at cheap times via your day will not take any more time -- in actual fact, it's prone to take less time than in the event you wait until the final second to find out wh"
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created /-_Empower_Network_Review_-_Technology_Stocks (+4704) "Empower Network Review - Expertise Shares"
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romainneutron joined the channel
nonge, sarspazam and robmorrissey joined the channel
created /Further_than_Craigslist_and_ebay_How_to_make_An_exceptionally_Successful_Small_business1180205 (+4335) "New page: The quantity of consumers are information to advertise with craigslist and ebay? The correct answer is thousands. craigslist and ebay has several possibilities for your newcomer retailer..."
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created /Information_Choosing_Car_owners_For_Car_Insurance647212 (+3626) "New page: For those who just simply had your car and are generally having drivers insurance protection, remember the fact that a person's gender selection plus time change the amount of this insuran..."
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gjones, kennyluck and tobyink joined the channel
edited /Vital_Pieces_Of_Stress_relief () "(-2970) removed spammy content"
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edited /-_Empower_Network_Review_-_Technology_Stocks () "(-4704) removed spammy content"
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encolpe joined the channel
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Moatman63]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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deleted /Vital_Pieces_Of_Stress_relief "content was spam"
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Woleman6]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:BrantmsjzgbcluaHaufler]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:IsaiastehczmuxjxTinucci]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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gjones joined the channel
robmorrissey, tobyink and iSRAELi joined the channel
vipul s. chawathe
edited /hatom-examples-in-wild (+223) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
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vipul s. chawathe
edited /hnews-examples-in-wild (+100) "/* New Examples */"
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vipul s. chawathe
edited /hcalendar-examples-in-wild (+398) "/* examples to act on */"
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vipul s. chawathe
edited /hresume-examples-in-wild (+270) "/* New Examples */"
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vipul s. chawathe
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+160) "/* new and uncategorized examples */"
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vipul s. chawathe
edited /hcard-examples-in-wild (+219) "/* Individuals */"
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iSRAELi joined the channel
Como resolver o problema dos Avisos: Missing required field Title Updated e hCard http://tinyurl.com/9sjqzb6
gjones, tobyink, aaronpk_ and romainneutron joined the channel