#jacquelinecreated /User:Jacqueline (+382) "New page: I would like to introduce myself to you, I am Darron but I do not like when folks use my whole identify.<br><br>What I appreciate performing is astronomy but I have been getting on new det..." (view diff)
#gjonesThere is some interesting result for the h-entry where its picking up the value-pattern for u-url and u-uid, but I think that's, right u-x properties look for value-pattern first
#gjonesAlso the h-entries are in the children array of h-feed because it could not find p-entry class in the same classList as h-entry
#tantekThere is no "hfeed" in the backward compat vocabs: http://microformats.org/wiki/uf2#v2_vocabularies because we don't know of any (significant?) consumers of "hfeed" in particular (lots of "hentry", but not "hfeed" itself)
#tantekyou're not turning all "h***" into "h-***" are you? that would be bad as we don't want it to be arbitrary, just a short list of what's been well adopted.
#gjonesI have often created supersets when I have needed to extended a schema. I can see what your saying I should be able to now use the h-x in V2
#tantekgjones - exactly - just use the V2 class name prefixes and you're all set. no parser changes needed.
#tantekin fact, if something DOES require a parser change, then at this point something is wrong and we should fix it.
#tantekJonathanNeal - schema.org is a confusing mess. at least with data-vocabulary.org Google stuck with a few small vocabularies that it actually supports. whereas with #schema, it's a massive pile of crap with a few useful things buried in it.
#tantekI'd say the spirit of Mark's book is a quick and useful overview, instead of pointing off into massive piles of crap (in fact, he makes fun of such massive piles of crap)
#tantekJonathanNeal - we're sad because Google just keeps reinventing how they want to do their custom version of semantics every 2-3 years.
#tantekfrom GoogleBase, to GoogleData / gData, to data-vocabulary.org, to now schema.org
#tantekone of the reasons we've kept microformats going is that as an open community, things are actually a lot more stable and reliable around here.
#tantekso if anything, I'd say the best "future-proofing" for the microdata chapter is to add parallel microformats markup examples to each microdata example
#tantekwhich is a bit more work than changing a few URLs, however it's something that folks here can help with
#JonathanNealWell, I'm up for the challenge, but I'm somewhat of a micro formats newbie. So I can branch it, make those additions, then have someone here review them for sanity.
#tanteke.g. hReview, as introduced in 2005, still works *today*, as is
#tantekin contrast to GoogleBase, introduced in 2005, long abandoned (but got A LOT more press / popular shouting / blog posts at the time because, hey, it's GOOGLE, they can't possibly be wrong, right?)
#JonathanNealThanks. How involved would you like to be? I'm still unsure how to respond to the ticket, but that's because of a lack of knowledge on my part.
#tantekI think I've helped out with that chapter before.
#tantekAbout the ticket, at first glance it seems like the issue contains its own demise: "seems to be the shiny new common thing"
#tantekso that's the key I think, to doing a good job in maintaining this text - keep it simple, straightforward, purely useful - as that seems like Mark's intent, and to the reader's benefit.
#tantekI'm happy to help with editing to see if there's a way to add parallel microformats markup examples to each microdata example while still keeping it short and useful.
#JonathanNealIf you wrote the microformat parallels so much as in a simple text document or gist, I could do all the formatting and placement.
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#JonathanNealOtherwise, I will try to write them myself in the next few days, when time permits.
#tantekJonathanNeal - next few days is totally fine, I have a few things on my plate currently. Happy to help with etherpad co-editing etc.
#Harzileinit was about an idea for marking up and interlinking the following facts:
#Harzilein- the costs of publishing the currently used "site"
#Harzilein- the fraction (say, of page hits) the currently used document constitutes of this
#Harzilein- marking up an ad as ofsetting those costs
#Harzileinso a user agent could choose to display/hide an ad based on the knowledge of its contribution to keeping the site up
#tantekHarzilein - could you provide a URL to the example content you want to markup?
#tantekwe typically try to markup real world publishing examples
#Harzileintantek: well, currently i have no problem paying for my hosting. it's more what i'd like to recommend to people who say they have to choose between an unattractive ad and paying the publishing infrastructure out of their own pockets
#Harzileinbut as an example, let's pretend my instance of killbills gets more popular than that of the author and i want to add ads: http://killbills.harzilein.eu.org
#Harzileinmy monthly server costs are 10 euros for a share of a dedicated server
#Harzileinand i would like to serve ads from project wonderful
#tantekit's tough to come up with good patterns for markup based on "let's pretend" examples, because in practice, the actual content + markup tends to differ A LOT from any theoretical / let's pretend examples.
#Harzileinnow i could count page hits and after a month tell people how many page hits there are per month
#tantekI'd say the best thing to do is to try experimenting with real content and just POSH class names
#tantekand then we could all take a look at how your experiments worked and see what to do next
#Harzileinyeah, but the problem starts with _costs_. i would not like to use, say, goodrelations, because i'm not selling a product of "hiding ads", but just informing visitors about the costs i have, my visitor count, and the fact that certain parts of the page are "ad payload" and not content
#Harzileini currently don't have to set off my costs with ads, and i don't have real visitors either.
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#tantekI'm still trying to understand how to use goodrelations - there's so much to it
#tantekI mean, it's obviously quite powerful, but it seems quite hard to do simple things with
#Harzileinso let's concentrate on the fuzziest thing, the first ones are basically about making a 90's style hit counter and a "donation goal" like they have on wikipedia computer readable
#Harzileinthe hard think is marking up an ad as "payload for setting off the costs marked up in those other parts"
#tantekthere was some work on donation links with rel-payment
#Harzileintantek: so i guess it would be enough to add rel-payment indicating a page where i whine in prose about my server costs and tell people which html markup they should add to each page if they want to have ads shown ;)
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#Harzileintantek: i guess i'll test drive that approach :D