#microformats 2013-02-12

2013-02-12 UTC
sivoais joined the channel
2013 Roadmap For Home Buyers And Investors : The Improving Market Index http://ow.ly/hCArD
lgedeon, bnvk and Soopaman joined the channel
created /rel-logo (+769) "draft a stub to hopefully make this more findable in the future so people don't think rel-logo is an actual thing that anyone takes seriously"
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edited /rejected-formats (+19) "/* Logo */ main article"
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bnvk, zztr, eschnou, tantek, gjones and chiui joined the channel
romainneutron, bnvk, nonge_, csarven and danbri joined the channel
Cara Memperbaiki Missing Required hCard "Author" Pada Rich Snippets: Sudah bebera hari ini… http://dapur-tutorial.blogspot.com/2013/02/cara-memperbaiki-missing-required-hcard-author-rich-snippets.html
adactio, bnvk, danbri_, danbri, impomatic, chiui, rjmt___, boytoy, TallTed, sivoais, grosroro and tantek joined the channel
created /Boston_Upcoming_Movers_Supply_Tips_On_How_To_Plan_Your_Upcoming_Move (+3367) "Planning a move can involve lots of work. Families that start early and plan effectively might help the switch from one location to another go smoothly. Boston movers make the following recommendations, whether planning to move across the block or ac"
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danbri and danbri_ joined the channel
Is there a way to tell Loqi "hey, that change was spam, please revert and block the offender?"
bnvk joined the channel
that would be sweet
probably, mediawiki has a good API for that kind of thing
danbri, gjones_ and tantek joined the channel
edited /Main_Page (+29) "/* Exploratory Discussions */"
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danbri, eschnou, chiui, bnvk, tantek, lgedeon, JohnBeales, gjones_ and sivoais joined the channel
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Kihookfin79]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Main_Page (-29) "Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/Stivem|Stivem]] ([[User talk:Stivem|Talk]]) to last version by [[User:TomMorris|TomMorris]]"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Stivem]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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