#LoqiGot it! There are now 84 spammers blacklisted
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#shfolwell68created /Hey,_Officer_I_Only_had_a_Few_Beers! (+2283) "Alcoholics might not realize themselves how many drinks they drink frequently but their friends and family and even the arresting police officer know it very well how much they have had to drink. There are many alcohol rehabilitation facilities in Lo" (view diff)
#tantekedited /hcard-faq (-469) "/* How is gender represented */ noted p-sex and p-gender-identity as part of h-card, removed extra MSDN/Google links, move old gender brainstorming to [[gender-brainstorming]] accordingly" (view diff)
#bretoliusDo people know of any interesting browser plugins that do interesting things with the different semantic web data one might come across, like microformats?
#tantekJonathanNeal: No, hcard does not have aliases like "address" because that just ends up confusing people
#JonathanNealSide note, that is awesome, that number is THX-1138 with the area code I grew up in … it was my way of doing lorem ipsum, but it really exists, wow.
#tantekJonathanNeal: When you start structuring a property like that, either you need a new microformat or another property
#JonathanNealin an example, i saw "type" and "value" being used inside a p-tel, and I figured it was the place to put a note regarding the p-tel property too.
#tantekThe "type" subproperty is only there for legacy
#tantekMight need an h-tel microformat in the future for this kind of thing
#JonathanNealgot it … so going back to my cell/work/volcano line, how do I mark up the type of p-tel I am listing?
#JonathanNealIn this example, I'm marking up a neighborhood organization. People have their names, title in the org, email, cell phone, with notes after the number giving any special instructions about when to call those numbers.
#JonathanNealI have this problem whenever I deal with a company over the phone. They can't tag notes to specific entries. They have one cauldron of notes and it all gets mixed up.
#JonathanNealAnyway … I guess there aren't enough real world examples of the kind I'm looking for.
#Amgine_Newb question: If a Place schema object (e.g. AdministrativeArea) contains many other Place objects (e.g. LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings), it's normal practice to put put the latter inside the former's container?
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#JonathanNealI couldn't find documentation to explain how the arrays worked, so I had neglected to include them, and I wasn't sure why the h- wasn't dropped in the JSON example, but all the u-, p-, etc were dropped.
#JonathanNealso the parsing is good, i just don't know how to mark up valid notes for individual items yet.
#tommorristhe address should probably be separately nested, no?
#tantekJonathanNeal - thanks for the whitehouse.gov URLs - given that context, if you're trying to make them into illustrative examples, just take their existing text literally and mark it up.
#tantekthat way you're working as close to the real world content as possible
#JonathanNeali figured everything could have a note.
#tommorrisyeah, that's the sort of thing one might do in XML with attributes... but you can't do that with microformats. (trust me, I've tried to do similar things with RDF and it's very annoying that I can't.)
#tantekJonathanNeal - the text you gave "Please don't call after 6pm. He's having dinner with his family." is something you made up - therefore is not a real world example
#tantekre: "everything could have a note" - every microformat *could* have a p-note property
#tantekor put another way, a property (e.g. tel) is not a "thing" (in terms of every*thing*), a property is an aspect of a thing (a microformat, like a contact, an h-card)
#tantekif you want to make a property into a thing itself, you have to nest microformats
#tanteke.g. the author of a blog post entry is both a property (p-author) and can be further structured as a contact (h-card)
#tommorristhe specific use case... well, there's some use online
#tantekThis is part of our culture in microformats, if you believe in some form of markup use-case enough, then prove it so by documenting the research on the wiki. if that's too much work, then the use-case must not have been that important.
#tantekand thus we shouldn't bother coming up with markup for it.
#JonathanNealIt got me thinking about microformats, because everyone kept emailing everyone to update their number or add a note about when to call their office line or what have you.
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#tantekindeed - if you keep your h-card on the web, people can simply subscribe to that URL and get updated when you update it
#JonathanNealIn the case of <div class="p-tel"><div>202-456-1111</div>… is there a classname i could throw on that div child div, or am I marking it up the best I can?
#tommorrisyep, but you could put p-note on the microformat. the point is that it's part of the process. if microformats doesn't do what you currently want it to, start publishing anyway.
#tommorrisJonathanNeal: you should put p-tel on the element that contains only the phone number itself and nothing else
#JonathanNealtommorris: precisely, but i want to signify that the note belongs to the number.
#tantekJonathanNeal - indeed, "start publishing anyway" means more like just use your own class names - not microformats per se, when experimenting with extra semantics.
#tommorrisincidentally, any communication system that requires communication as to when you are allowed to use it is probably ripe for deprecation... ;)
#tantektommorris - when documenting real world examples, the example is primary, and the things the example publishes (e.g. a note etc.) are secondary and should be nested underneath the example
#tantekedited /tel-examples (+337) "tel examples should be specifically about the "tel" not just the enclosing contact, for which we already have hCard" (view diff)
#tantekJonathanNeal - why do you want to add notes to all sorts of things? what's the use case?
#tantekwhat kind of existing things that you're publishing on the web have such notes?
#tantekalso, do it with a real world example, for yourself first, rather than a hypothetical / illustrative example
#tantekyou're more likely to produce more meaningful text/markup that way
#tantekin my experience, when people do hypothetical / illustrative examples first, they end up making up a bunch of things with assumptions that turn out to not matter in real world examples
#tanteknesting in general is confusing to folks (authors), so the less nesting that is required/needed, the better