#microformats 2013-06-10

2013-06-10 UTC
Atamido joined the channel
created /Common_Mistakes_Cheaters_Make_In_Relationships (+3193) "New page: Do you suspect that your spouse or your romantic partner is cheating on you? Due to the fact that many cheaters make easy, yet costly errors in their relationships. As stated above, numer..."
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created /Generally_Pick_Out_The_Most_Effective_Search_Engine_Optimisation_Support (+4941) "New page: You wіll be shocked t&#1086"
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come across out th&#1077
energy and volume оf backlinksthat уou can find by wа&#1091
of simply just asking fоr backlinks. Every...
created /Lawn_Mowing_Company_Austin (+2387) "New page: Dealing with your lawn can be a duty. Preserving an excellent stand of turf needs mowing, trimming, fertilizing, and going off or treating issues. If you 'd rather leave the task approxima..."
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bnvk, tantek and iSRAELi joined the channel
created /The_most_popular_data_on_health_supplement (+3519) "New page: A Review Of Phen 375 Losing Weight Product Research shows that many people worldwide are dealing with weight problems. The World Health Organization or simply WHO now says that overweight ..."
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ptwobrussell joined the channel
is it fair to say (or conjecture at least) that hResume is the most popular microformat given that LinkedIn has 200M users and each of those users potentially have a public profile page that exposes it? Does anyone know of any other recent data that would break down standings in a similar way for any other web properties?
ptwobrussell, no there are 2 billion+ hCards on the web - it's by far the most popular microformat
and that was a few years ago
it's only grown since then
tantek - i'll look for that number. i'm assuming it's published out there somewhere. I can see how that would be the case. what would you imagine the top 5-10 are? it would be really useful to have a "micro format state of the union" kind of thing that broke this all down every year or so
tantek - totally different topic, but what do you think about the notion that xfn is effectively dead or at least irrelevant at this point? I can find very little useful things that have happened with it lately. This guy seems to have some good points - http://jeffreybarke.net/2013/04/whats-happening-with-xfn/
http://webdatacommons.org/ has consistently shown microformats to dominate web based structured data
XFN is still the most widely deployed distributed social connection format
plenty of things consume rel='me' - that's probably been the most useful XFN value over time
Google used to index it as part of the Social Graph API - which many apps used
but then as part of their spring cleaning (and apparent killing of server-based standards support), Google shut that down
right, so that's kind of where i am heading. i get the idea, and i like the idea, but i can't really find that much awesomeness that's actually exists with it out there.
in other words, it's a little bit hard to get excited about and place any bets on at this point, at least the way i'm currently seeing things from my recent research.
it's ok - it's still the most deployed format of its kind
so when the need for a tool emerges, someone will build it based on XFN
usage and deployment is still growing
so it makes no sense to call it "dead" just because some lists of implementations haven't been updated
but what does that really amount to *right now*? i'm not trying to be overly critical, but does being the most deployed or being useful one day really make something useful *right now*? i'm just trying to understand.
(common misconception in web standards of this sort - everyone is always looking for the new hotness)
(and most people don't remember past 2 years)
true. i hear you on that one.
what's your use case?
useful right now is all about useful for a particular use case
if you don't have a use case, why are you even bothering to ask the question?
also note that proof by negative flaw
tantek - my use case is that i'm updating a book and trying to figure out if xfn is even worth talking about from the context of the social web as it exists (mostly) right now
just because no one answers one person's tweet/blog post, nor he can think of what to do with it, doesn't mean it says anything about its usefulness to others
not sure i follow you on "proof by negative flaw" - you've probably outsmarted me on that one
what would you compare it to? OpenSocial? ActivityStreams? PortableContacts?
none of those are as widely deployed as XFN
yea, i'm not citing that blog post as authority for "xfn is dead" - just saying that i basically share the same frustration/sentiment as the author of it
well, XFN rel=me is the basis of RelMeAuth / Web Sign-in, which is the basis of IndieAuth, used by Indiewebcamp.com and other sites as a sign-in method
that's probably the most recent new implementation
and stuff like that pops up every year
what's more challenging to figure out is what's the utility for people to use the other XFN values
it used to be that everyone had a blog and a blog roll - whereby it was obvious where/how to use XFN
ok, that's very useful to know about. i haven't run across it. will make a note to look into it.
now most people just use Twitter or Facebook
you might as well say that RSS is dead
since Google is killing Google Reader
there's not even a community around RSS or Atom
whereas with XFN / microformats, you're in it: #microformats
my observations are like what you said - people are using twitter and Facebook, which doesn't use xfn, and blog rolls don't seem to be what they once were
and a reasonably active wiki: http://microformats.org/wiki/ - even if some stuff is out of date (inevitable for any wiki)
so that puts xfn in a bit of a predicament at the moment. not that it's dead. it may very well have a bright future. i just don't know what for sure right now
using that logic, then you should argue that RSS/Atom are dead too
since people use Twitter and Facebook instead of those
so I'm not sure the criteria you're using make much sense from an open standards perspective
created /24_Hour_Locksmith_-_Emergency_Service_You_Can_Depend_On (+2822) "New page: With new technology and innovations, security systems have completely redefine the term 24 hour locksmith. This occupation needs a great deal of experience, technique, study, and expertise..."
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bnvk joined the channel
created /No-Hassle_viagra_Secrets_Examined (+3335) "New page: Herbal Impotence Cure <br> <br> Women's libido supplements happen to be helping all of the women, that suffer from the the signs of female impotence including dryness of vagina, not enoug..."
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excuse me while I clean some spam
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:MelindaBr]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:GermanDai]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Crowsilver69]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Olenframe62]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Ste342urst]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:AlisonPet]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:JefferySo]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Tamarussellphen375sideeffects7]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Back2ice]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Lizette31]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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deleted /Reason_for_changing_a_lock. "content was spam"
deleted /Lawn_Mowing_Company_Austin "content was spam"
i'm honestly just trying to get some perspective. i understand that you are a microformats champion (so with that comes some bias), and i totally respect that. my conundrum is that i can find lots of great examples and things to say about lots of other microformats, but not so much on the xfn side of things. it's a bit of a challenge to come up with good example of something to do with it that is generally useful
for a person right now whereas it's pretty easy to come up with things for hRecipe, hResume, hCard, geo, etc.
yeah - Google's killing of SG API hurt quite a bit
since many sites/apps were just calling the Google SG API
instead of parsing XFN directly
I think we're learning our lesson
maybe here's another way to frame what i'm trying to get at: what would you say is a useful application of XFN for a general web developer these days? (my old example was doing a breadth first search on a blogroll, but it hardly seems that useful anymore)
to not trust any Google services that use / support open standards
because they'll just kill them off any way
that's the larger story
well - sites like Dopplr would import your XFN friends lists
btw - when you see wiki pages that seem out of date - or examples as such - could you edit the wiki accordingly and just make a parenthetical note next to them?
that way someone can look at it and either archive it as a historical example, or find a new URL
sure, i can do that.
thanks, appreciated!
to be clear, i get what you're saying (your logic and all) and i'm on your side here. i like indie initiative and open standard and don't' like corporate juggernauts so much or people's dependence on them. i also am very excited about micformats and other semantic markup initiatives and think that they are providing significant value to both content authors and consumes alike…and i have lots of great things i can
say about micro formats like hresume, hcalendar, etc. What I'm steering towards right now, though, is just pretty much not talking about xfn, because i'm having a hard time finding something good/exciting to say about it *right now*.
btw "microformat" is one word
not "micro formats"
i know. colloquy sucks.
ah - yeah I turned off that autocorrect in text fields
it's crap for tech discussions
i have to fix about 1 out of every 10 words it autocorrects for me, and i just gave up on that one
I just turned it off for OSX
the biggest thing XFN is being used for today, day to day, is Web Sign-in / RelMeAuth
e.g. indieauth / #indiewebcamp depends on it: http://indiewebcamp.com/indieauth
i'll have to dig in to this some. i'm very familiar with oauth and its evolution but not at all with indieauth.
you didn't answer my questions about RSS / Atom / OpenSocial / ActivityStreams / PortableContacts
what i would compare it to?
btw this is the latest on a lot of microformats status - talk I gave at HTML5DevConf
apply your criteria/critiques of XFN to those as well: RSS / Atom / OpenSocial / ActivityStreams / PortableContacts
and what result do you get?
oh, this looks very useful - the video slides. thanks.
any questions you would ask of XFN, ask of those as well
i get what you're saying, and that's a very fair/consistent way to reason about it.
tantek - would you be at all interested in reviewing the updated draft chapter of my book that touches on microformats to provide any feedback on anything you think deserves attention/correction/etc.? microformats take up about 3/4 of a chapter, and the chapter is primarily focused on practical things that you as a web developer could do with them as opposed to a lot of philosophy or history, although there is a
little bit of that.
I like focus on practical things :)
i'm going to have to wrap it up for the night, but if you're interested i'd be glad to send you a link to a manuscript of the whole book (that you could actually peruse online with O'Reilly's new HTML5-based experimental review system) so that you can see the general scope and flow of things and how the chapter that discusses microformats fits into that overall flow. i'd be grateful for your feedback but understand
that we're all pretty busy, so it's just an open invitation and i'll understand if you decline. i'd be able to share the link out with you early this coming week and wouldn't need any feedback till July 1
I"m guessing the content you'd want to review carefully is probably 30 pages or so out of 350+
sure - that sounds good
my given name at my given name dot com works
got it. well thanks for your willingness to review and also for the good conversation this evening. i appreciate them both. i'll be in touch. good night.
created /I_Reviewed_the_Dewalt_DW716_and_Here_is_My_Conclusion (+3536) "New page: The Dewalt DW716 comes with a 15 AMP motor. A miter detent plate that is adjustable stainless steel. A miter system which is precise. A fence support which is machined. Tall sliding fences..."
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ptwobrussell - thanks for asking good questions - those are always appreciated.
created /Whole_Body_Vibration_(WBV):_Physical_exercise_Devices_Choices_by_Dr._Moriearty_M. (+4276) "New page: When buying WBV tools and the largest obstacle is possibly deciding on the one that matches your spending plan, room and health and fitness degree, there are a quantity of factors to cons..."
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bnvk joined the channel
created /Excellent_news_article_referring_to_Exploring_Effective_Secrets_Of_family_tent_from_Dr._LILLIANA_WITT (+2516) "New page: How can you obtain the best campground for your family? Primary, you desire to establish what you wish for absent of your trekking vacation. All shut family relations will have distinct in..."
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WP Reviews Plugin – the Author hReview Plugin’s Big Brother: WP Reviews Plugin – the Author hReview Plugin’s B... http://design-newz.com/2013/06/10/wp-reviews-plugin-the-author-hreview-plugins-big-brother/?utm_source=boostinspiration&utm_medium=twitter
tantek: what's that other irc channel you frequent?
The one that talks about all sorts of indie web stuffs
created /User:yong243 (+17) "New page: [#link# #anchor#]"
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bnvk joined the channel
hCard — формат, предназначенный для публикации контактной информации http://www.step-up-web.ru/hcard/
iSRAELi, bnvk, charl and eschnou joined the channel
#teamfollowback WP Reviews Plugin – the Author hReview Plugin’s Big Brother http://design-newz.com/2013/06/10/wp-reviews-plugin-the-author-hreview-plugins-big-brother/
created /Discover_how_quick_it_is_to_extend_your_Facebook_fans (+4221) "New page: Social media marketing Promotional would be the technique of advertising and marketing by social websites web-sites like Twitter, Fb, and YouTube. This is a procedure to attain unique obje..."
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created /ASEA_il_Migliore_Sano_Scelta (+1464) "New page: Gli individui che desiderio di avere una maggiore e molto più sano corpo può ora migliorare l' benessere totale attraverso l'uso di. Questo integratore alimentare ha attraversato una sci..."
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romainneutron and bnvk joined the channel
Since v0.61 #fargo.io has had identity. If I use a little hCard magic with the OPML I'd have a identity fit for a social aggregator, no?
Atamido and nonge joined the channel
created /User:kenitsnvv (+6265) "ncz cheap throwback nba jerseys gjfn"
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romainneutron joined the channel
created /User:findeijsnte (+6471) "pva arenet.or.ug/uploads/cheapnfljerseys.php ykzh"
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Last day to get a total of 50% OFF the Author hReview Package http://www.famousbloggers.net/launching-wp-reviews-plugin.html
Last day to get a total of 50% OFF the Author hReview Package http://www.famousbloggers.net/launching-wp-reviews-plugin.html
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RT @FamousBloggers: Last day to get a total of 50% OFF the Author hReview Package http://www.famousbloggers.net/launching-wp-reviews-plugin.html
romainneutron and bnvk joined the channel
created /Anti_Wrinkle_Skin_Care:_Decreasing_the_Signs_of_Aging_In_No_Time (+2070) "New page: Meticulously Clean Your Face to Greatly reduce Early Aging What do you use to cleanse your face? Many will claim that soap and water are the best to things to clean your face with. Now, t..."
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erikmaarten joined the channel
created /Benefits_of_Wholesaling_Properties (+4516) "New page: In addition to the obvious financial rewards that go as well as real estate investing and also flipping residences there are a few a lot more abstract positive aspects that can be obtained..."
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barnabywalters joined the channel
created /User:3u9l5b0h9 (+1515) "the registered capital of 60000000 yuan"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Boschtoolguru74]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Tuanchad5]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:MyrtleWeb]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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deleted /User:yong243 "Vandalism"
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Yong243]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Eyedick53]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Her2vx9ith]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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bnvk joined the channel
deleted /User:kenitsnvv "Vandalism"
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Kenitsnvv]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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deleted /User:findeijsnte "Vandalism"
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Findeijsnte]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Wrinkles-guru64125317]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Householdguru88]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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deleted /User:3u9l5b0h9 "Vandalism"
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:3u9l5b0h9]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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iSRAELi, bnvk and colares_ joined the channel
created /5_Important_Items_For_Antiques_In_India. (+3602) "New page: It is human to experience nostalgia. . The Vast Majority Of tender thoughts of specific things they related to as a kid. That could include an aged gift, a novel, a unique spot that they ..."
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Cole13hayden]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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created /Detroit_Firms_Depend_On_Cygnus_To_Give_It_Support (+2688) "New page: Murdoch-owned Fox Information also performs a function in the slip of assist among the Republicans. In accordance to the Washington Submit, Gene Karpinski, president of the League of Conse..."
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created /Current_market_Modifications_Favor_FSBOs (+4196) "New page: Severe paradigm changes in what sort of residential housing market works have been getting the way for several years now. The change has really become apparent throughout the last year. It..."
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:KayleneSt]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Yourhomedude96]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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bnvk, eschnou and ChiefRA joined the channel
created /Gute_Kanzlei_in_Augsburg (+3255) "New page: Zunächst ist es signifikant zu erinnern, dass es sich bei dem Anwalt um einen kompletten Juristen handelt, der auch zusätzliche Berufe wie Ankläger, Richter oder auch Notar aufgreifen k..."
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:GeraldoBa]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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JonathanNeal joined the channel
created /Recent_Musing_6 (+213) "New page: Assortments of sectional chairs are accessible for every area pattern.<br><br>To read more about stephen *[http://linked2media.eu/?q=node/19210 simply click the next internet page]* take a..."
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created /Employ_A_Profits_Coach_For_Revenue_Advancement (+4559) "New page: [[image:http://www.joltresults.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/increase-sales-884x498.jpg]]<br><br>Your sellingdetails &#1072;re your solutions &#1072;nd services' robust details. Pressure ..."
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created /Participate_In_Online_Quiz_Contest_To_Get_Prizes (+2718) "New page: Baccarat is a single of the numerous card online games that are really well-liked amid casino goers. This recreation is very significantly like blackjack, but it is a lot easier to discove..."
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eschnou and bnvk joined the channel
edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:AbigailOs]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:RosariaRo]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:SabineI35]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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deleted /Recent_Musing_6 "content was spam"
created /Rechtsanwalt_in_Augsburg (+3328) "New page: Vorerst ist es bedeutend zu thematisieren, dass es sich bei dem Rechtsvertreter um einen kompletten Juristen handelt, welcher auch weitere Berufsfelder wie Ankläger, Richterin oder Notar ..."
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:FernandoE]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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TallTed joined the channel
created /Kubki_reklamowe_z_nadrukiem_firmowym_i_logo_-_nadruki (+3316) "New page: kubki reklamowe jest wariantu garnuszek, kto może być popularnie sporzÄ…dzone przy użyciu ciÄ™ na drodze. Nierzadko siÅ‚a robocza napotykajÄ… komplikacja przewożenia swoich napojów po..."
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Michell96]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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eschnou joined the channel
created /Bike_Parts_To_Consider_For_Function_And_Flare (+3585) "New page: Most of the bigger vendors utilize exclusive alloys (combination of aluminum and other metals) to construct their bike frames, and each supplier touts their certain brand and the way they ..."
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:HaleyS63]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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created /Learn_The_Truth_Regarding_Fat_Burning_By_Debunking_The_Misconceptions (+3640) "New page: In the world of losing weight there are lots of misconceptions thrown around, some more foolish than others. The reason they're called myths is because lots of people believe them but it d..."
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:Sharon52room]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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tantek, zztr and cweiske joined the channel
tantek, could you reset my password in the wiki? username "cweiske"
cweiske - yeah still working on fixing the wiki to do so, sorry about that. it's in my queue. :/ http://microformats.org/wiki/admin-to-do#wiki_problems
created /Top_5_Best_Indie_Movies_Of_The_Last_10_Years (+2878) "New page: Movies are great and in the market they are thousands of movie releases and yet sometimes it may be difficult to choose a good movie. Below are instructions that will guide you in choosing..."
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created /Operate_A_Meals_Shipping_And_Delivery_Support_With_A_Refrigerated_Car. (+2391) "New page: To include sophistication to stated honeymoon, let us now deliver luxury and impeccable support to that combine and suddenly we're speaking about an unforgettable vacation!<br><br>Several ..."
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:HeatherF5]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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edited /Special:Log/block () "blocked [[User:BarrettMu]] with an expiry time of infinite (account creation disabled): Spamming links to external sites"
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created /free_roblox_generator (+288) "New page: hi,<br><br>I got the free roblox generator :) , download here the new free roblox generator now ! enjoy ulimited roblox http://robloxgenerator.blogspot.fr<br><br>Here is more info in regar..."
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created /GEN310_is_an_quite_cost-effective,_Exclusive_Member_Club (+3253) "New page: [http://www.ibosocial.com/chrishickman/pressrelease.aspx?prid=255944 baby gen 310] Baby Gen 310 is an extremely cost-effective, Private Membership Club, which provides on the web training..."
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Yang Suka Abisin Uang Jajan di Depan Sekolah, Masuk! - http://kask.us/hcARD #kaskus
created /User:wvxangr2013 (+4060) "Tiffany And Co Outlet Electric Battery precisely a brief cap"
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aaronpk joined the channel
created /Want_to_Stay_Motivated_to_Reach_Your_Fitness_Goals?_Use_These_Proven_Tactics (+2620) "New page: Encouraging Fitness Tips to Keep You Going A lot of people would love to work out on a regular basis but it's easier said than done. There are many obstacles that can stand in your way, s..."
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KevinMarks, itsy and hober joined the channel
created /So_Why_Used_Bucket_Trucks_Are_A_Perfect_ıdea (+4440) "New page: [http://www.buckettrucks2.com/locate-a-bucket-truck/ what are bucket trucks]<br><br>[http://www.buckettrucks2.com bucket truck]<br><br>Furthermore, the responsibilities involving electrica..."
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created /Catering_in_Düsseldorf_-_dies_immer_bekanntere_Party_Addon (+4047) "New page: Nicht mehr immer soll man Feste, Familien- & Betriebsfeste oder aber Business-Meetings ganz alleine vorbereiten, denn Catering-Firmen bieten mittlerweile ein immer reichhaltigeres Kompl..."
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sivoais_, tantek and eschnou joined the channel
created /Figure_out_how_to_turn_into_a_music_expert (+4153) "New page: In the event that you aren't able to locate a local singing teacher or cannot afford to pay for their charges, online vocal courses, like Singing Made Simple and Singorama maybe a handy an..."
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created /Confidential_Information_on_Diet_Pills_That_Only_The_Experts_Know_Exist (+2900) "New page: <br>You may choose which among the two sorts that you need to select but there are also slimming capsules that provide both results.Many OTC fat burners are meant for obese adults and aren..."
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created /A_good_Very_few_Hints_for_Finding_More_and_more_ReverbNation_Followers (+5218) "If employed correctly, a performing songwriter's most valuable marketing asset may be his e-mail checklist. Lots of composers put every one of their promotional efforts to the most recent social media sites, like FB, Twitter and ReverbNation without"
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created /If_You're_Looking_To_Expand_Your_Business_You_May_Want_To_Consider_The_Internet_For_Marketing_And_Advertising_Your_Business (+3689) "New page: If you have a business already set up, you will not find any better way to reach prospective customers than by utilizing online advertising. As a result of the reality that the Internet is..."
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nonge, bnvk, benward_ and Phae joined the channel
created /Summary_Report_by_Ludwig_Eckl,_February_14th_2013 (+7925) "New page: Telemedicine - Future of Medical Medication Telemedicine is a fast developing application of medical medication where medical information is transferred through interactive audiovisual med..."
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created /garcinia_cambogia_extract_pure (+4282) "New page: Garcinia Cambogia can be a berry normally found in The african continent along with Asia. This kind of warm fruit is actually grouped because the citrus fruit loved ones, wherein lemons an..."
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iSRAELi and zztr joined the channel
created /3D_Printer_Profits_-_Prize_Winning_Opinions (+3019) "New page: 3d printers are merely incredibly alike to the replicators of Star Trek! I recognize it seems mad, however this is genuine these work like it. Sam Frlan is the creator and author of 3d ..."
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created /User:Madelaine (+366) "New page: Jere is the name people use to call him and his wife doesn't like it at all. Playing country music is something he really enjoys doing. Some time ago he chose to live in Utah and his paren..."
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created /Understanding_Farming_Giant_Games (+3446) "New page: From harvesting meals to tending to... Cafe World" is an interactive game performed with associates on Facebook. This Zynga recreation is just like video games comparable to "CityVille," "..."
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eschnou and bnvk joined the channel
created /User:lbufxr29 (+5726) "hqug cheapwholesalesoccerjerseys.com wuhb"
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created /User:sovdgo39 (+4597) "hhbp cheap nfl jerseys htem"
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created /User:dosbdm96 (+6334) "ybej michael kors bags outlet xagp"
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created /The_leading_music_dj_as_special_liberty_to_match_up_together_with_most_Budget (+2026) "New page: Since the English horn intention of the agglomeration decency DJs at Toronto is flesh show, they outreach services that accordance the most cogent kind of flesh show which contains new mus..."
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created /garcinia_cambogia_extract_pure (+4833) "New page: Do you need via obesity? Do you wish to lose fat? There are numerous treatments out there that may help you to shed pounds but they are significantly less efficient since the Garcinia Camb..."
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created /pure_garcinia_cambogia_extract (+4263) "New page: Garcinia Cambogia is quickly the most well-liked diet supplements on the market, with retailers and internet-based stores frequently marketing soldout. Dr. Oz showcased your health supplem..."
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created /Diet_Pills:_Pros_And_Cons (+3181) "New page: <br>We’ve been in diet pills market for over 5 years now and carried out extensive analysis into different fat burners offered available on the market today. “ How can I find a diet ta..."
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KevinMarks and bnvk joined the channel
created /green_coffee_bean_extract_for_weight_loss (+4451) "New page: There are a variety of natural coffee beans, many of them even caffeine free, such as: the Jamaican orange huge batch and the Hawaii one particular. Certain kinds of natural environmentall..."
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iSRAELi joined the channel
created /How_to_Make_Sure_Your_Web_Marketing_Biz_Survives_the_Google_Panda_Update (+3566) "New page: Google's motives were good when they launched the Panda update. The goal of the Panda update was to rid searches of all of those spammy content web sites that had started to take control o..."
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created /payday_loan_lenders_only (+3162) "New page: Payday express helps consumers who're in search of payday loans. Here you can get various amounts differing from a hundred or so to seven hundred and fifty Euro. These can be used to cove..."
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sivoais and bnvk joined the channel
created /Phen375_Side_Effects:_Is_It_Safe_Or_Not_Likely (+3341) "New page: The acai berry Select does not just for help the dude lose weight, in addition, it detoxifies the body chemistry from harmful oxidants. The supplement needs to utilized 20 minutes until to..."
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created /Make_Cash_Today_By_Offering_Services_On_The_Web (+3301) "New page: One of the frustrations for folks who are new to the planet of internet marketing and advertising is the challenge of making that first dollar online which can give you that belief that it..."
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